and it's by melissa stewart. and i start the book talk by saying a whale is roughly the size of three city busses and and it can weigh more than 65 cars put together what happens when something that size dies in the ocean? the kids are like, snap. i hadn't thought of that. and we start to talk about that because melissa stewart tells us what happened. a whale fall for 70 years as a whale to send us through all the sections of the ocean and comes to rest at the bottom for 70 years, that carcass will feed an entire ecosystem in the ocean. and it it has wonderful and notes. it's just an incredible book. so that's one of those books that i can book talk whether i'm talking to kindergarten kids who suddenly are really afraid. right. there's something that big in the ocean and with older kids as well. but really, when i select books to book talk, i select them a way. i think teachers and parents should be thinking about how we select books like who's the child? who are the children you're talking to? what are they inte