communication companies, including irancell, rightel , shuttle, fenap, asiatech, haib, the pioneers of sabant, mebinnet , are participating in its implementation, and each of them has taken over a province and a city in the country. the organization for regulatory regulation and radio communications also supervises the implementation of this plan . if the operator does not fulfill his commitment to the speed of those commitments will be taken and given to another operator. the commitment of 20 million coverage in the 13th government is the first step and in the seventh plan it is predicted that we will have 20 million connections by the end of the seventh plan, so the first step in all countries of the world is that the first step is to create coverage and the second step is to convert the coverage into there is connection , the implementation of this plan will increase the speed of fixed internet and reduce the load of mobile internet, and it will also lead to people's satisfaction. i was comparing with places where there is no optical fiber, it was great and my smart tv was very good, all t