region, there are territories where practically no one went there, in the far east, there in the yanomaimes there were no routes, because it was simply physically impossible to raft or pass anything - look, as if from a geological point of view, from the point of view, looking at the map, there is every reason to assume that there may be large deposits there, the question is how to find them there, find them with minimal effort, and here’s how since there is probably such an alliance between fundamental exploratory science, that is, we can give something on our part, they can tell us what is real and what is not, after all, as far as i know, there is quite a low competition for geological faculties, why not enough motivation, i think, popularization. there may be a shortage of professions, we see economists and lawyers on tv every day in tv series, somewhere else, about geologists, well, what kind of films are there lately, the territory, yes, based on the novel by kauvaev, how i wish there was a remake, but there is nothing, there is no geology at school, that is, we have biology, we ha