the example of zechariah elizabeth, the parents of st. baptist, shows us that: the basis of a strong family is non-material well-being and non-career advancement, a strong internal spiritual core, which is based on sincere faith in god. only in this case, all the difficulties and adversities that inevitably occur on the path of family life become surmountable. we see that the life of the righteous parents of st. john the parrot was filled with difficulties and sorrows. right up before the miraculous appearance of the archangel gabriel, saint zechariah, the family remained childless, despite all the censures and ridicule, the righteous family continued to be in prayer and good deeds, saints zechariah elizabeth, an example of a real family, the strength of which is indestructible by everyday troubles. in modern society, there is a naive opinion that... those who decide to start a family must find some person who is very suitable for them. in this situation, the phrase “my other half” is not understood entirely correctly. the holy scriptures