hamiah in beirot uh and uh let's begin our discussion uh with uh with this horrendous appalling and gut-wrenching genocide that is going on, as we speak just last week, a dark milestone was passed with over 40,00 palestinians, mostly women and children are being slaughtered in cold blood, and of course when the death when when the dust settles the... death toll will definitely be much, much higher over 10 months of war crimes, bombings, starvation, sniping, etc., and the international community has sat idly by as these horrors unfold before our very eyes. mr. ham, yes sir, i would like to start to say that "we see that with every visit of us secretary of state to the area, we see new massacers committed by the israeli entity, and we see that they are talking about massacers, they are talking about, we we can say by all means it's not only massacers, it's ethnic cleansing, it's like more than holocaust, it's a certified holocaust that the israeli is committing in a..." and in west bank also we have to mention west bank what's going on because we have so many detaines of pow as they want to call th