let me remind you that durov was detained upon arrival at the airport in lyabrzhe, according to the media, he is to be charged, including with terrorism and money laundering. our embassy in paris immediately. immediately upon receiving this information contacted the local side, sending a note to the french foreign ministry with demands for access. we are talking about the standard procedure that is applied in the event that a russian citizen is detained. first of all, the necessary steps should be discussed by representatives and lawyers who themselves will build work on and strategy for protection, support, etc. to be vigilant in protecting human rights and guaranteeing freedom of speech. now a short advertisement, and then watch a special report by olga matsiyevskaya about how they are restoring yasenovataya, which was shelled by vasau for 10 years. large purchases will become easier, apply for a loan with cashback from smer in 5 minutes in a mobile application, mega-discounts up to fifty percent and mega-gifts when buying a smartphone, for example, a second smartphone and others in sto