everyone was talking about monroseb. but few people knew that this beauty is the product of manipulationcourse the media propaganda. this is picture of marilen monrose face that virtually five or six people in the world have seen. of course it's not our best view. the lost x-rays of marilin monroe. so you can see her teeth here and right here is these are the nostrils taken from below and the side. it's as if we were looking a profile like this. her nose was lot prettier than mine. you would... from this picture that this is the most fabled woman on earth at one time, and the documents that prove monroe had plastic surgery, and then it gets into 1950, she had a cartilage implant to her chin, instead of a silicone chin implant, they use carved cartilage from a from a cow, bovinene cartilage. it was in 2013 that an auction in the state of california put her confidential medical records up for sale. this case confirmed all the rumors. about monrose plastic surgery, including nose drop and cartilage transplants in the chin, actor who indirectly fueled the bdd disorder of others, maybe she he