sharedzine has 18 stagodzya, kali renaissance the month has already begun for new aesthetic architecturalter from all the windows, and this cardinal change in appearance, this architectural structure, the whole of this abaronnaga budynka is familiar with the presence of a drop on the side. we can think about it in our thoughts, and then fuck the temple, which is two years old, strict abject, and it is compact. completed in 1726-36. then on the vaults sennyashnyaya ўinternal azdablenne - spadchyna kastsela z'yaўlyaetstsa razmaleўka ў gryzayl's technique. i have a terrible life converted with different colors of the same color. the main mats of the kamayskaya gnaws are akand, which are used to bathe cartouches and medallions with managrams and symbols with a special scent. on the spring arches there are ornamental ribbons with medallions. painful, practical in syeredzina 19 centuries ago the dachshund gnawed and the spilled mats crushed the droplet. there, symmetrical ornaments are placed on the roofs, and the spring arches are filled with frizzled ornaments. the interior contained draped a