tibetan tanka academy, here they teach painters to carefully paint traditional tibetan subjects. such a work can be created within a year, i even leaned over my diploma work. the pose in which the artist sits while he paints his picture is very important, his legs should be tucked under him, he has complete control over his body, maintains balance, all this is done so that the heartbeat during the painting is absolutely even. this is a kind of iconography of buddhism, going into the past and the future at the same time, and having mastered this technique in the present, will definitely not be left without work, tibetan masters, as they believe. like this painting, which may seem like something out of a fairy tale, tibet today also balances on the edge of mysticism and reality for those who often unexpectedly find themselves in it. this is how you see the future of tibet, it is clear that no one can guess this, but this is how, perhaps, you would like to see it, what it will be like there in 50, in 100 years, you know, on the one hand, it was gratifying for me to finally leave thi