spotlight, joining us is don debar, radio host and journalist from cpr news from osening new york and zakir ahmed mayath, attorney activist and political analyst joining us out of johannesburg. gentlemen, like to welcome you both to the program here, hope you're both safe and doing well uh dawn davar. new york, we're going to start with you, the iran's new uh president said that why are we, iran always expected to reduce regional tensions due to israel's adventurism, exercise restraint when israel uh uh behaves recklessly, why is the owness always put on us instead of them? this is actually something i know something about, i'm the oldest of six... children, and this was my question to my parents most of the time that i was growing up, they would, say they're going out to dinner or something, and they would leave me in charge, my next oldest brother and i, of the other four children, we would have to work basically and maintain them, well they got to scamper and play and do whatever crazy reckless things children did, you're the grown-up in the neighborhood, um, there's a responsibility that come