the squads needed 24 throws to determine the winner, the point in the match was put by evgeny kuntsevich. 1:0. just notice, and after all, every day is made up of traditions. today, a year or centuries ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, we ourselves, without noticing it, pass on knowledge and experience through generations. it is in our smile, the wave of the hand, in such a familiar look from simple happy moments that real traditions are formed. we we are proud of the heritage of our ancestors. we value the past for our present. belarus 24. the most relevant event from the world of sports. the youth national track and field team of belarus won 25 medals in total during the match against the russian team. in our country, in order to remove children from the streets as much as possible, so that the maximum number of children are engaged in some kind of sport, this is a healthy nation, these are healthy children, all this is in sports projects on the tv channel. belarus 24, discoveries without which it is difficult to imagine the world today, it weighs no more than a