farzad hosni shared the verse of immortality of the martyrs and najmuddin shariati spoke about the faith of martyrdom with verses from surah fajr. ali muradkhani from cinema followed the path of seyyed shahidan of resistance. hasan roohul-amin also honored you with the hashtag seyed and with this sentence, mr. seyed, honored the grief of seyed hassan nasrallah's martyrdom. i conclude that these people are the people of al -taghaha, the people of al-jababa the promise god, this earth that is filled with oppression and the political aspect of god's promise, and the fulfillment of god's promise and peace, i fill it with justice, installments, trust, peace, humanity, faith, morals, love, and peace , this is god's promise. kan hade kan mohib lakhote kan ma beihme nafeh ma behime al-masroof ma yesal an al-masroof ma ihme albus he bad shirt bad pants he bad job it means glasses you need something like us he seeks something ever all the most things kan hik means the book of qiraa al-quadh who is the one who likes love al-football most of the things , when he is playing on the field, he is playin