and hannibal hamlin, the democrats, stephen douglas and herschel johnson, southern democrats, john breckinridge d seph lane and the constitutional union party. john bell and edward everett. if you could give us a snapshot of those parties and the men on the ticket. absolutely. so in general, when we think about politicapaies, we imagine this very long campaign season, and that did exist in the 19th century campaigns for the presidency began. the minute that the previous president was elected. but it di't work the same way in terms of political primaries. so party organization did not control parties the way we think of today. they were really much more grassroots organizations, and there were no political primaries. instead, people thought about their political parties as convention oriented. so candidates were actually chosen at conventions. there was no expectation of who was going to be the candidate before the convention. and so the convention mattered quite a bit. so in 1860, at the start out, there were going to be three candidates. at least that's what people thought, because the democra