like a heavy rock concert, these are the residents of the rehabilitation center for the disabled in lhasithe ball hits the target. due to the fact that i have a physical disability, it is inconvenient for me to live in an apartment and i am unable to work. after i got to the center for the disabled, the professionals here began to take care of me. it is very difficult, but it is really an indicator that they have revealed a lot to us. the tibetan tanka academy, where painters are taught to carefully paint traditional tibetan subjects. one such work can be created within a year, even a monk bent over his diploma work. the pose in which the artist sits while he paints his picture is very important, his legs should be tucked under him, he completely controls his body, maintains balance, all this is done so that the heartbeat during painting is absolutely even. this a kind of iconography of buddhism, going into the past and the future at the same time, and having mastered this technique in the present, will definitely not be left without work. it is the tibetan masters who are believed to pos