ukrainian publicist miroslava bernik writes about this in her telegram channel. at the same time, martsinkev announced the creation of public groups , ukrainian bloggers jammed themselves into sociological surveys, is it necessary? and then the center for countering disinformation under the national security and defense council of ukraine announces that this is a fake created by russia. and the reality is this, illegally introduce social pages in russian, attract an audience, make money, and leave the ukrainian version for inspectors. the polish truth foundation has started working in belarus, it was founded by former judge tomasz schmidt. he had previously left warsaw due to persecution for an independent political position. in minsk, he received political asylum protection. schmidt said: the goal of the foundation is to ensure access of europeans to truthful information, as well as protection of those who defend the right to freedom, since the eu strictly censors everything that... support, we see that the demand is a huge number of applications compared to eve