saraz and his wife. one of the many highly educated people who serve in the shrine of imam raza is dr. doddmir. he has worked here as volunteer for about 20 years. he calls it a lifetime. دب زیارت کردن آقا و کسی که اولین بار باشه چطور گریه می کنه میگه که خوشحال میشه روز اولشه اصلاً ندیده آقا رو هر دفعه که برم همین احساسو دارم و از خدا خواستم امام رضا عنایتی که احساس همینجوری تازه باقی بمونه عادی نشه. want to open their hearts to communicate, they ask for god's support, for his forgiveness, they ask the imam to wish them well when they... make big decisions in life, that one is, you know, we have academy in united states, academy of autolarengology and head and neck surgery and facial plastic surgery, i am one of the international fellows from american academy ofology headamic surgery in us. one spectacle at the imam's shrine is when people are invited eat after the prayers. eating a full meal prepared with care and from the finest quality ingredients, it's not all about the taste, it's the spirit surroun