anduril have shown you can move faster.tartups founded in the past few years, the program we love to point to is replicator, a program focused on working with startups and focusing on production. it's become a core initiative out of the dod under this administration. previous administrations focused on the defense innovation unit. it was building ties to silicon valley, understanding the best engineers in the world are in silicon valley and the dod has to work with them. we look at the private industry side. there's now a talent density. there's momentum, capital. that would mean nothing if there wasn't an eager buyer. the dod has become an extraordinarily eager buyer, supportable working with startups, understanding they need to be more thoughtful about procurement and make it possible for earlier stage companies to sell into the department of defense and also these large legacy primes, who have had no competition for 100 years, now have to work with startups. they have to integrate tech these startups build if they want t