about like the language of deregulation, talking the language of like doingif something for the averae american. but he's a look at his track record in terms of even on things like deregulation, he did move the needle much. he spoke about that but by the end of history he had put in so many newew regulations that like the regulatory picture in america did not change that much. similarly, , when it comes to dt and deficits he ran the largest deficit by cutting taxes during a peacetime effort. and in terms of the fact that with no matching spending cuts pics of this has really been a bipartisan project but yes, the biden administration ine the lat three years has taken this to a totally different level in magnitude. it's double down on everything. this has been a progression where even the icons of so-called free market capitalism such as reagann and thatcher did not do much to reverse the role of government if you just look at metrics such as government spending or regulation that was done under their era. but here under trump and and then now hunter biden in particular we've taken this to a tot