on an official visit, he is expected to meet with assyrian officials including his counterpart faisel mcdodd. leader of islamic revolution is hailed that retaliatory missile strikes by iran's arm forces on israely occupied territories. کار درخشان نیروهای مسلح ما در دو سه شب قبل هم یک کار کاملاً قانونی و مشروع بود. کاری که نیروهای مسلح ما کردن کمترین مجازات برای رژیم قاصب صهیونی در برابر جنایت های حیرت آور اون رژیم بود رژیم خون آشام رژیم گرگ صفت سگه. آمریکا در منطقه جمهوری اسلامی هر وظیفه ای در این زمینه داشته باشد با قدرت و صلابت و قاطعیت انجام خواهد داد الله الله iran will act neither rashly nor with delay in carrying out its responsibilities he bowed if needed in will attack is really occupied territories again, the leader made the remarks that during friday prayer sermon in tehron, said israely crimes will eventually lead to the anniholation of the regime. leader urged muslim unity against israel and said any blow to the regime is a service to all of humanity. i told stress, israel continues it's existence only due to us support, the washington seeks to control regional resources via the