glenn cudmore: yes. andrea canning: that's a good sign.n. did you just hang up? let it stay on for a few seconds, muted. and then she finally just hung up the phone. and i remember calling scott and saying, are we sure we have the right girl? she just seems so normal. andrea canning: a few months later as the investigation continued, detective gordon decided to pay michelle carter a visit. he found her after school and approached her. and she has no idea she's been watched? she has no idea. does she look surprised? a little bit. but, you know, at that point, i don't think she understood really what we had and where we were going with it. andrea canning: at first, michelle told the detective she tried to talk conrad out of suicide. then the detective asked her about having contact with conrad on the day he died. the detective knew that was a lie. when we took her phone, i think she started to understand a little bit that we were looking a little more further into it than she expected. andrea canning: he followed her home and says michelle's