24 tv channel, a culinary show where centuries-old recipes come to life, today we are preparing golshansky dumplings. and the favorite dish of belarusian housewives for hundreds of years, we have never used grated tortoised potatoes as minced meat, this is interesting, this is very interesting, cabbage rolls, but not quite, but not quite, be careful, here you can catch gastronomic inspiration, the thighs will go into the stuffing, only the soft part, and we do not get rid of the bones, this will accompany the construction of the nest, the king. i try to imitate the successful fall and i manage myself in the oven, and it will be very difficult to become. i understood, cook exquisitely deliciously together with belarusian cuisine on our tv channel. the pace of restoration of communications, industrial facilities, the flagship of agricultural engineering gomselsh, resembled the pace of organizing their work in the soviet rear after the transfer to the east at the beginning of the war. otherwise immediately evacuate the plant, but it had to be evacuated by manpower, within a week and a half we