so there was a kind of unity platform among the presidential contenders, as did harold stassen and robert taft campaigned for thomas dewey in the general or i believe stassen did a bit. taft wasn't really asked to. in fact. dewey made an important campaign swing through ohio in the late in late 1948 and october of 1948. and did not ask have to be with him, which was a bit of a snub for the, you know, senator from from ohio. so he did not play a major role. but that was it's not totally clear how much of that was his decision, but clearly at least some of it was dewey's preference. professor bush, is it fair to say that thomas dewey had an easier path to the nomination than harry truman did on the democratic side. you know, i don't i don't think i would say that actually because truman didn't really have significant opponent in the primary. he had these portions of his party that were flaking off and running as third parties. but the nomination itself wound up being not not as difficult as it might have been. you know, if some of those folks who had hung around the. the the problem that he