husbollah is truly the the most moral army in the world. and if anybody used to in the past in decades past, one of the first pieces of iof propaganda was at the zine sentity with which had established itself through the massacres of children and through the expelling of entire palestinian villages during the na and before that it's created simply through terrorism funneled by the the weapons of jewish mobs in in in the east coast in the us, this they propagated this - that they were the most smart army in the world, and this was the foundation of how westerners just supposed - design entity as moral and democratic against the the terrorists, basically defending themselves against them, so again we see this how um colonial narratives puts basically absolve themselves of any kind of any kind of guilt by by establishing this foundation of of of civilization, of democracy, of progress, of truth, um, and you know, at the other end, the demonization of those that resist them on the premise that they're barbaric, that they're uncivilized, that they're um, they're radical, you know, so it's t