the winter, kirill says with full knowledge of the matter, in his large garden, which he calls kvetka park here is a bush of real passion fruit. unusual flowers, and most importantly, this particular variety of poseflora, passion fruit is decorative, it blooms very abundantly, rises not far liana basella, this plant is very useful and it tastes exactly like peas, and nearby there are fragrant eucalyptus seedlings, the aroma of the leaves is very rich, they are lemon eucalyptus, that is ... such a pungent lemon flavor. next to the exotic plants for belarus , there are also more familiar to our region hydrangeas and dahlias, mint and feather grass, milkweed and sage. in total, there are more than 300 species of plants here. this is possible in belarus, only here here in our vegetative park grows, it is called willow, babylonian crips. very many, maybe perhaps, you saw the matsudana willow, the one with curly hair. run has, hakura neshiki, pink growths, well usually willows in the city - this is understandable, and what is cool about this? as you noticed, probably, this variety has leaves, th