by 1.5 billion hryvnia, yes, well, in total, in total, he took the laggards from everything, pyotr alekseevichknow, i always have a question, why do they do this, i mean those who so openly undress online, well, he is the director of the cia, well, at least he had some kind of special training, right, or his brains have completely turned into a melted term or he lacks some kind of pr, well, this is not clear, he should cut out his tongue now, simply everything, but nevertheless, here is another god-fighter appeared on our horizon, at least admit that... this is crazy, and this is just crazy in my opinion, but i hear it from time to time from people, you just have to keep telling this story, i saw a note that some christian leaders sent to speaker johnson, i hope that the leadership of the country, you, all the leaders of ukraine, will talk about this, so that they know the real situation, you need to push the moscow patriarchate out of ukraine, because it is just a tool. this is who, who are these people, they are people too, but who are they, well, my close friend and the legendary commander