11th february of 1807, the name was chosen by the young emperor of france, who agreed to accept rech papalitalar people gentry as a whole, and all the lords in palessia have revealed their napaleon. tsikava, as the brothers called, maybe polik and napolik. i was asked, a boy who went to my father, to enroll in the physics and mathematics faculty of the university of vilensk. ale to learn lagarifma pit was sumnavata. the one on the right is the revaluation zeinast. the student becomes a partner in the taimanga of merchandising. at the bottom there is a arysht and an adlichenne. lad trap. from the army, from the russian horse guards, and then came the fall of 1830. on the lands of the former recha , paspalitai broke out. napaleon horde adrazu yes yago daluchyўsya, vyavaў masculine, for which atrymaў order of the military revolution, but in the past it was raised on the paralysis. as soon as they died, the horde emerged from varatsevich. the hook twitched their fingers. the former pastor of the new arasht. the lad has grown tall. pegatoyu, with pavements in someone else's name, he is ruined at p