in eden undone, you focus this group of eccentric ex, i guess. i think that's a kind word for these people very word. and i find them fascinating. well, unpack them in a second. and of course, they take a pilgrimage to the galapagos. now, what first sparked your interest in their stories? so i've been wanting to write the story for a very long time. i think about 12 years now. and i one day scrolling through newspaper archives dot com as writers and maybe some of you do and i was looking for something else and i happened this tabloid passage a headline that was so bizarre that i had to read it about two or three times to just like that i read that or my hallucinating. so i'm going to read that passage you just so you can sort of appreciate what was thinking in that moment. oh, a 1941 passage from the san francisco examiner, quote was dr. ritter with his steel teeth poisoned paradise was baroness louise known as crazy panties, who ruled the island with gun in love, murdered by one of her love slaves after. she had driven the other to his death. an