jason ladd: it appeared to be driving like they wasn't from around there. they were putting their blinkers on in such a fashion, and they would hit their brake lights and it was obvious that they were lost. my gut feeling was telling me it was them. andrea canning (voiceover): marshal ladd followed the truck onto the interstate and called for backup. the farther we proceeded north, the more units started falling into play, not only marked units on the ground as far as vehicles, but the middle district of tennessee, these guys, they had helicopters. this operation just keeps picking up steam. quickly. andrea canning (voiceover): police dashcam video captured the unfolding high speed chase. ladd's colleague, tony crawford, assumed the lead position. and when everyone was in place, he drove alongside the truck to get a closer look. tony crawford: i was looking at his face, and the best i can remember, he had a smirk on his face, a little funny grin on his face and looking down me a little bit from the truck. andrea canning (voiceover): he recognized john manar