easter assistant deputy chief gareth miller new sfd dot construction a developer information meetingwas held by public works proposal is are due or have been turned in design development continued with an evaluation of exterior materials. these are materials to help assist with any type of vandalism that may occur and they were tested and they've got the materials selected. sfd submitted a response to the planning department's list of questions related to the environmental assessment for smoke emissions. they had done unlimited amounts of research and timing and testing for the amount of time that they're actually going to be doing live burns and how much emissions would actually be in the air and how far of a distance it would go. they have been really diligent with that as well. all right. highlights. assistant chief michael thompson did his triennial inspections. >> this is something that we do three times a year and actually it's really inspiring to see how a firehouse gets together and takes such pride in their fire stations, their equipment and what we have. i know there's been