Jan 27, 2025
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gustavo petro rechaza dos vuelos con migrantes deportados.raciÓn trump anuncia sanciones econÓmicas y diplomÁticas. los vuelos estaban autorizados, pero >> la crisis puede tener consecuencias econÓmicas y financieras para colombia. el ser de la frontera y el fiscal viajan a chicago hoy domingo para supervisar el inicio de una operaciÓn especial de detener a migrantes irregulares en la ciudad santuario. alerta en el condado de los Ángeles por el incremento de la lluvia que puede provocar deslaves de ceniza tÓxica. ♪ ♪ ♪ a esta hora, estados unidos y colombia enfrentan la mayor crisis diplomÁtica en dÉcadas. estados unidos sancionar al paÍs tras la negativa del presidente gustavo petro de recibir dos vuelos con migrantes deportados. el plan de sanciones incluye un 25% de aranceles de emergencia los productos colombianos que se pueden llegar al 50% en una semana, entre otras medidas. pasamos en vivo con marÍa molina, para conocer las sanciones anunciadas. marÍa: es la primera acciÓn que toma el presidente donald trump contra un gobierno en este
gustavo petro rechaza dos vuelos con migrantes deportados.raciÓn trump anuncia sanciones econÓmicas y diplomÁticas. los vuelos estaban autorizados, pero >> la crisis puede tener consecuencias econÓmicas y financieras para colombia. el ser de la frontera y el fiscal viajan a chicago hoy domingo para supervisar el inicio de una operaciÓn especial de detener a migrantes irregulares en la ciudad santuario. alerta en el condado de los Ángeles por el incremento de la lluvia que puede...
Jan 9, 2025
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asÍ como dice gustavo estar listos. personas respondiendo, pero si haces tu parte para poder estar luchando contra las llamas. eso es la forma en que podemos desde nuestro hogar colaborarcon todos los bomberos, son mÁs de 7500 que estÁn trabajando en forma constante. meribel: y lo que falta. sabemos que en esta temporada tiende a incrementar ese factura de energÍa y nos preguntamos cuÁl es el prÓximo paso?quÉ tipo de ayuda existe para nosotros? laura: muy buenos dÍas, un economista me seÑalÓ que va a pasar con el costo de la electricidad en nuestro estado, me imagino que es una duda que muchas personas tienen. maria es el dueÑo de esta tienda en sacramento y ha sido testigo de los altos costos de la electricidad. >> va saliendo de lo que estamos trabajando va saliendo los pagos. laura: me comentÓ que no tiene un plan de ahorro, aunque dejo de pagar. >> la casa me lleguÉ a pagar hasta $600. laura: la oficina del analista legislativo de california divulgÓ un informe que seÑala que las tarifas de electricidad residenciales
asÍ como dice gustavo estar listos. personas respondiendo, pero si haces tu parte para poder estar luchando contra las llamas. eso es la forma en que podemos desde nuestro hogar colaborarcon todos los bomberos, son mÁs de 7500 que estÁn trabajando en forma constante. meribel: y lo que falta. sabemos que en esta temporada tiende a incrementar ese factura de energÍa y nos preguntamos cuÁl es el prÓximo paso?quÉ tipo de ayuda existe para nosotros? laura: muy buenos dÍas, un economista me...
Jan 28, 2025
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cÓmo reaccionÓ mÉxico y el resto de latinoamÉrica a la tensiÓn entre donald trump y gustavo petro porgresista republicana marÍa elvira salazar pide al presidente trump que no deportar a los migrantes protegidos por el paro humanitario de la administraciÓn biden. >> este proceso no se debe coartar, no se debe detener y eso es lo que le estoy pidiendo a la casa blanca. >> es una de las pocas republicanas que alzan la voz frente a la orden de expulsar tambiÉn a este grupo. miles de palestinos vuelven al norte de gaza despuÉs de mÁs de un aÑo de guerra. los reencuentros y el regreso a casa de los desplazados en una zona devastada. y todo listo para el super bowl. los chiefs de kansas city se encontrarÁn con los eagles de filadelfia en un juego que usted verÁ en espaÑol por telemundo. >> noticias telemundo con julio vaqueiro. >> buenas tardes. una semana exactamente del nuevo gobierno y los operativos de ice se llevan a cabo en ciudades de todo el paÍs, en casas y en lugares de trabajo en chicago, en un club nocturno en el condado de adams, colorado, un negocio en dallas, texas, del que se
cÓmo reaccionÓ mÉxico y el resto de latinoamÉrica a la tensiÓn entre donald trump y gustavo petro porgresista republicana marÍa elvira salazar pide al presidente trump que no deportar a los migrantes protegidos por el paro humanitario de la administraciÓn biden. >> este proceso no se debe coartar, no se debe detener y eso es lo que le estoy pidiendo a la casa blanca. >> es una de las pocas republicanas que alzan la voz frente a la orden de expulsar tambiÉn a este grupo....
Jan 28, 2025
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el presidente de colombia gustavo petro se retracta de despuÉs de la presiÓn de estados unidos aceptade vuelos con colombianos deportados. ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ilia: todavÍa no saben cuÁndo van a regresar a sus casas. >> noticiero univisiÓn. ilia: buenas noches. desde el viernes y hasta hoy, ice ha arrestado mÁs de 2000 personas en varios estados, segÚn datos de la agencia publicados en equipo. se suma a mÁs de 1700 detenidos en custodia de otras agencias. han habido grandes operativos en atlanta, chicago, los Ángeles, nueva jersey, florida, entre otros. en chicago, ice llevÓ a cabo las redadas, con la presencia de tom homan. los arrestos siguen de la mano de varias agencias federales. reportera: estas son las imÁgenes de un operativo que ocurriÓ en waukegan, illinois, y donde fue detenido andrÉs de mÉxico. >> mi esposo me levantÓ. le dije que abriera la puerta porque habÍan hijos afuera. no sabemos lo que pasÓ. abriÓ la puerta y dijeron que eran de inmigraciÓn. reportera: el hombre es residente en el paÍs hace 25 aÑos, y tiene casos de dui que estaba resolviendo segÚn su hija. >
el presidente de colombia gustavo petro se retracta de despuÉs de la presiÓn de estados unidos aceptade vuelos con colombianos deportados. ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ♪ ♪ [mÚsica] ilia: todavÍa no saben cuÁndo van a regresar a sus casas. >> noticiero univisiÓn. ilia: buenas noches. desde el viernes y hasta hoy, ice ha arrestado mÁs de 2000 personas en varios estados, segÚn datos de la agencia publicados en equipo. se suma a mÁs de 1700 detenidos en custodia de otras agencias. han...
Jan 27, 2025
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la casa blanca emite 1 comunicado en el que afirma que el gobierno de gustavo petroacepto condicionesatriaciÓn en aviones militares de estados unidos. se suspende entrada en vigor de los aranceles. la crisis se generÓ contra el gobiernocolombia no prohÍbe la entrada al paÍs de los aviones con migrantes deportados lo que provocÓ reacciÓnde la administraciÓn de donna trancÓn e imposiciÓn de duras sanciones econÓmicas, financieras y diplomÁticas. 1 fuerte operativo termina con el arresto de 50 inmigrantes irregulares entre los que habrÍa miembros de la banda criminal venezolana "el tren de aragua". >> Éste es noticiero univisiÓn fin de semana ediciÓn nocturna con fÉlix. felix: buenas noches. iniciamos en informaciÓn de Última hora y en desarrollo. la casa blanca informÓ que el gobierno de colombiaacepto condiciones para repatriaciÓn de inmigrantes irregulares colombianos deportados poniendo fin a 1 crisis diplomÁtica de impredecibles consecuencias. la crisis se suscita tu madrugada cuando el presidente no autoriza la llegada de 2 aviones que estaban en vuelo con repatriados colombianos.
la casa blanca emite 1 comunicado en el que afirma que el gobierno de gustavo petroacepto condicionesatriaciÓn en aviones militares de estados unidos. se suspende entrada en vigor de los aranceles. la crisis se generÓ contra el gobiernocolombia no prohÍbe la entrada al paÍs de los aviones con migrantes deportados lo que provocÓ reacciÓnde la administraciÓn de donna trancÓn e imposiciÓn de duras sanciones econÓmicas, financieras y diplomÁticas. 1 fuerte operativo termina con el...
Jan 28, 2025
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ante el intenso enfrentamiento diplomÁtico ya superado entre trump y gustavo petro, esta noche siguen de citas para visas en la embajada estadounidense de ese paÍs. las fuertes lluvias en los Ángeles causan inundaciones y aludes de lodo que provocan condiciones peligrosas en las carreteras y cierres de escuelas en malibÚ. y este aÑo, la temporada de impuestos viene con buenas noticias. se espera que con los nuevos ajustes usted pague menos impuestos y obtenga reembolsos mayores. ademÁs, puede ahorrarse el costo de un contador si califica para presentar sus impuestos en lÍnea y de forma gratuita. los philadelphia eagles intentarÁn destronar a los kansas city chiefs en el super bowl 59, el evento deportivo mÁs visto en televisiÓn de estados unidos que este aÑo se jugarÁ en nueva orleans y usted podrÁ ver en primera fila y en espaÑol por telemundo. noticias telemundo en la noche con aranza loizaga. qÉe tal? muy buenas noches les saluda con mucho gusto. nicole suÁrez por aranza luizaga. vamos a la informaciÓn. los operativos de ice se extienden por todoo el paÍs. los agentes han detenido
ante el intenso enfrentamiento diplomÁtico ya superado entre trump y gustavo petro, esta noche siguen de citas para visas en la embajada estadounidense de ese paÍs. las fuertes lluvias en los Ángeles causan inundaciones y aludes de lodo que provocan condiciones peligrosas en las carreteras y cierres de escuelas en malibÚ. y este aÑo, la temporada de impuestos viene con buenas noticias. se espera que con los nuevos ajustes usted pague menos impuestos y obtenga reembolsos mayores. ademÁs,...
Jan 27, 2025
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la casa blanca emitiÓ un comunicado donde afirma que el gobierno de gustavo petro aceptÓ las condicionesatriaciÓn en aviones militares de estados unidos. se suspende la entrada en vigor de los aranceles. la crisis se generÓ cuando el gobierno colombiano prohibiÓ la entrada al paÍs de dos aviones con migrantes deportados. lo que provocÓ la reacciÓn de la administraciÓn de donald trump con la imposiciÓn de las sanciones econÓmicas, financieras y diplomÁticas. un fuerte operativo en colorado termina con el arresto de 50 inmigrantes irregulares, entre los que habÍa miembros de la banda criminal venezolana, el tren de aragua. >> este es noticiero univisiÓn fin de semana, ediciÓn nocturna. ♪ >> buenas noches iniciamos con informaciÓn de Última hora en desarrollo, la casa blanca informÓ hace minutos que el gobierno de colombia aceptÓ las condiciones para la repatriaciÓn de inmigrantes irregulares colombianos deportados. poniendo fin a una crisis diplomÁtica de impredecibles consecuencias. la crisis se suscitÓ esta madrugada cuando el presidente petro no autorizÓ la llegada de dos aviones que es
la casa blanca emitiÓ un comunicado donde afirma que el gobierno de gustavo petro aceptÓ las condicionesatriaciÓn en aviones militares de estados unidos. se suspende la entrada en vigor de los aranceles. la crisis se generÓ cuando el gobierno colombiano prohibiÓ la entrada al paÍs de dos aviones con migrantes deportados. lo que provocÓ la reacciÓn de la administraciÓn de donald trump con la imposiciÓn de las sanciones econÓmicas, financieras y diplomÁticas. un fuerte operativo en...
Jan 24, 2025
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asi lo ha dicho gustavo valencia hernandez, que nos acompana ahora en vivo p precisamente.bien un trabajador agricola. tambien tiene una cuenta de tiktok con 250.000 seguidores. gustavo, gracias por estar aqui con nosotros. cuentenos como se siente el dia de hoy. >> hola ! no, pues el.>> el gusto es mio. >> gracias por. >> tomarnos en cuenta. eh, a andamos bien, gracias a dios bien, pero. pues obviamente con la preocupacion de todos los dias despues de que paso esto, que aqui en la ciudad de bakersfield empezaron las las redadas, muchas detenciones, eh ? y preocupados. nosotros a andamos echandole ganas por porque necesidad tenemos que venir, pero aqui andamos. andamos bien, gracias a dios. >> y algunas medidas adicionales que estan tomando a esta hora para tratar de evitar alguna detencion. >> eh ? bueno, lo que lo unico que nos han dado es a algunas asociaciones nos han pasado a dar la tarjetita roja, que es donde vienen nuestros derechos, es lo unico y pues se nos dan informacion pues de que estan corriendo la voz de de platicar con los companeros donde donde andan para
asi lo ha dicho gustavo valencia hernandez, que nos acompana ahora en vivo p precisamente.bien un trabajador agricola. tambien tiene una cuenta de tiktok con 250.000 seguidores. gustavo, gracias por estar aqui con nosotros. cuentenos como se siente el dia de hoy. >> hola ! no, pues el.>> el gusto es mio. >> gracias por. >> tomarnos en cuenta. eh, a andamos bien, gracias a dios bien, pero. pues obviamente con la preocupacion de todos los dias despues de que paso esto, que...
Jan 31, 2025
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want bring you some breaking news from colombia, president breeking newsfrorn colombia, president gustavo the colombian president gustavo petro has urged undocumented colombians the states colombians in the united states to quit their immediately return to colombia. 5 return to colombia. he 5 and return to colombia. he posted on x "i ask dqstedonx "l askundocumented in the us to colombians in the us to immediately leave their jobs colombians in the us to immediately leave theirjobs in that country and return to as as possible. colombia as soon as possible. wealth is only by the wealth is ereeeeee enly by the people. the wealth is ersssees sn!5, e, the people. the department working people. the department of social will seek provide productive to to provide productive loans to those who return and enrol in its programmes". ends its programmes". he ends the post build social wealth post "let's build social wealth in colombia. this course in colombia. this of course comes spat between comes after that spat between him president trump. you him and president trump. you “allssse” that him and p
want bring you some breaking news from colombia, president breeking newsfrorn colombia, president gustavo the colombian president gustavo petro has urged undocumented colombians the states colombians in the united states to quit their immediately return to colombia. 5 return to colombia. he 5 and return to colombia. he posted on x "i ask dqstedonx "l askundocumented in the us to colombians in the us to immediately leave their jobs colombians in the us to immediately leave theirjobs in...
Jan 8, 2025
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y tengo a mi lado a gustavo ortiz. Él es portavoz de carlos gustavo.ernador frente a esta situación en los Ángeles? bueno, antes que nada, gracias por este espacio. desde el domingo, trabajando activamente, monitoreando esta situación porque el servicio nacional dee meorología lo calificó como un evento sin precedentes y es por ello que se puso mucha atención. se mandaron con tiempo recursos a no solo a los Ángeles, sino también a riverside, a pasadena, a ventura, para colocar de manera estratégica estos, estos, estas unidades de bomberos y poder combatir las llamas en caso de que se registrara un incendio. desafortunadamente, sí se desató ayer este incendio. y son más ahora son 3 y es por ello que se han mandado más de 100 unidades de bomberos, más de mil bomberos se han desplazado a esa zona para ayudar al condado de los Ángeles a proteger a todos los residentes y evitar que se extienda, porque ha sido todo un reto, ya que los vientos han alcanzado ráfagas de hasta 100 millas por hora. las condiciones de sequía no lluvia. así que este evento sin prec
y tengo a mi lado a gustavo ortiz. Él es portavoz de carlos gustavo.ernador frente a esta situación en los Ángeles? bueno, antes que nada, gracias por este espacio. desde el domingo, trabajando activamente, monitoreando esta situación porque el servicio nacional dee meorología lo calificó como un evento sin precedentes y es por ello que se puso mucha atención. se mandaron con tiempo recursos a no solo a los Ángeles, sino también a riverside, a pasadena, a ventura, para colocar de...
Jan 27, 2025
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el presidente gustavo petro pidió a estados unidos este domingo que estableciera mejores protocolos paraivas. vamos ahora a suavizar un poco la información. ya son las 23:00 de la noche con 11 minutos. nos compete también las condiciones del tiempo. así luce nuestra región en varios puntos. cámaras en vivo desde san francisco, morris building y modesto. profundicemos en esto. marcelo rivera. nuestra autoridad en el tiempo. muy buenas noches. el panorama en la noche aquí en los diferentes puntos se ve muy calmado, pero está haciendo frío. se ve calmado. y ese es el detalle. está haciendo frío y se va a poner más frío. y es que mira a ver. tenemos mucho, pero que mucho aire ártico llegando desde el norte. ya, ya pasó esa baja presión que trajo algunas lluvias hacia el sur y nos deja esto una estela de aire frío. y esa es la razón por la que tenemos estas bajas temperaturas. de donde vienen. vemos aquí este recorrido. esto prácticamente viene desde las partes más al norte de la zona de canadá y es por eso que está bien frío. pero también esta alta presión mantiene la zona bien bien despejad
el presidente gustavo petro pidió a estados unidos este domingo que estableciera mejores protocolos paraivas. vamos ahora a suavizar un poco la información. ya son las 23:00 de la noche con 11 minutos. nos compete también las condiciones del tiempo. así luce nuestra región en varios puntos. cámaras en vivo desde san francisco, morris building y modesto. profundicemos en esto. marcelo rivera. nuestra autoridad en el tiempo. muy buenas noches. el panorama en la noche aquí en los diferentes...
Jan 27, 2025
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por su parte, el presidente colombiano, gustavo petro, pidió a estados unidos que estableciera mejoresn ortiz. presidente donald trump, así como todos los secretarios que han sido designados en estos momentos y ninguno se va a desviar de la agenda agresiva que tiene donald trump. estados unidos comenzó a utilizar aviones militares para devolver a sus países de origen a varios inmigrantes que entraron de manera ilegal al país. y ortiz dijo teme por la pérdida de la mano de obra en la agricultura. lo que va a traer es unas consecuencias donde nadie aquí en este país va a querer trabajar la agricultura, a menos que no tenga una vara mágica de que pueda crear trabajadores que verdaderamente quieran acudir a hacer este tipo de trabajos. volviendo al panorama local, estudiantes, padres y entrenadores que forman parte de un grupo llamado safe walz athletics, culpan a los administradores de la universidad estatal de sonoma por gestionar mal, dicen ellos a la institución y causar dificultades financieras. esto es porque la universidad anunció que recortará sus 12 programas de atletismo para cub
por su parte, el presidente colombiano, gustavo petro, pidió a estados unidos que estableciera mejoresn ortiz. presidente donald trump, así como todos los secretarios que han sido designados en estos momentos y ninguno se va a desviar de la agenda agresiva que tiene donald trump. estados unidos comenzó a utilizar aviones militares para devolver a sus países de origen a varios inmigrantes que entraron de manera ilegal al país. y ortiz dijo teme por la pérdida de la mano de obra en la...
Jan 31, 2025
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president gustavo the colombian president gustavo petro has urged undocumented colombians the statesmediately leave their jobs colombians in the us to immediately leave theirjobs in that country and return to as as possible. colombia as soon as possible. wealth is only by the wealth is preeucee enl�*,’ by the people. the wealth is prseuces ehl5, b5,' the people. the department working people. the department of social will seek provide productive to to provide productive loans to those who return and enrol in its programmes". ends its programmes". he ends the post build social wealth post "let's build social wealth in colombia. this course in colombia. this of course comes spat between comes after that spat between him president trump. you him and president trump. you attest” that him and president trump. you maltese" that president will remember that president trump some us planes with trump sent someelais planes with back to z: 7 zrzsss sass lthey 7 7 7they were
president gustavo the colombian president gustavo petro has urged undocumented colombians the statesmediately leave their jobs colombians in the us to immediately leave theirjobs in that country and return to as as possible. colombia as soon as possible. wealth is only by the wealth is preeucee enl�*,’ by the people. the wealth is prseuces ehl5, b5,' the people. the department working people. the department of social will seek provide productive to to provide productive loans to those who...
Jan 12, 2025
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gustavo, gracias por estar con nosotros.sta fuerte ventisca, una serie de eventos de vientos con rÁfagas intensas, se movilizaron recursos y en ese momento estÁbamos hablando de 7500 unidades, mÁs (musica) 7500 bomberos, mas de mil u unidades de bomberos . ac actualmente ya son 14.000 los bomberos, mas de 1200 unidades para atacar por tierra y por aire las llamas. de igual manera se esta coordinando con otra agencia estatal cds's que es la . el departamento de california de servicios sociales para habilitar refugios. actualmente son nueve los refugios en la zona de los angeles. se ha movilizado de igual manera a la patrulla de caminos, al dep departamento militar de c california , para mandar mas recursos y estar ayudando a todos los afectados. y tercero, ya se habilito una pagina sea punto gob diagonal, en donde todos los afectados pueden encontrar informacion y recursos. saber a donde ir, con quien comunicarse y cual es el siguiente paso para iniciar esta recuperacion. >> y la gente no puede volver a sus hogares asi nomas,
gustavo, gracias por estar con nosotros.sta fuerte ventisca, una serie de eventos de vientos con rÁfagas intensas, se movilizaron recursos y en ese momento estÁbamos hablando de 7500 unidades, mÁs (musica) 7500 bomberos, mas de mil u unidades de bomberos . ac actualmente ya son 14.000 los bomberos, mas de 1200 unidades para atacar por tierra y por aire las llamas. de igual manera se esta coordinando con otra agencia estatal cds's que es la . el departamento de california de servicios...
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they just to allow gustavo to go based on the extreme, they're a professor, buy a new key, take a bear with dolman, are still on the dash, though. i'll show you what it was here in the us. that's cool. and his associates receive support of the highest level in this photo. next to him is jean co. patrick? you as president riggins closest, i got a slat is for me to come come my whole way a bunch of communities come around blind of me start siri. gonna fool us. lovely, and when you're starting your site, it's close. i use a drink of popular kristovich shala's in from a so one little 8. see how i get to school vinyl. think beauty is lot at the point you, you trust the stetsco died a few years before the collapse of the soviet union, the but you creating independence would be going forward demonstrations and evolving k, even the late eighty's by his wife ers love. the 1991, a referendum on independence was held in ukraine. poland and the us supported the results immediately the centuries ago. your 4 bears name this country ukraine or frontier because your steps, blake, europe, and asia, ukr
they just to allow gustavo to go based on the extreme, they're a professor, buy a new key, take a bear with dolman, are still on the dash, though. i'll show you what it was here in the us. that's cool. and his associates receive support of the highest level in this photo. next to him is jean co. patrick? you as president riggins closest, i got a slat is for me to come come my whole way a bunch of communities come around blind of me start siri. gonna fool us. lovely, and when you're starting...
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so i was looking at gustavo, probably kiko. sure it is, i see green and then dissolve it hopefully you need to use the the, [000:00:00;00] the us near the we need the leads to the, in the articles and you might, it's a city of the when you move the least most need them for you, me you know, probably my landline united so it's literally ridiculous. yeah. kind of shows you this list. the closest details, typical, of course, get the but i would stick portables theme and use the link dubiousness stores at the store to, to, to you, you would need to even, and 0 it's key and our phone yet. so that's the the, the us use great foresight in sending weapons to ukraine months before the conflicts delegates about the tape of us secretary of state, down to me blinking, defending his track record, increasing the right cools, they made on conflicts firing up around the world. we saw it coming, we were able to make sure that not only were we prepared to now, as the partners are prepared with the ukraine, was prepared. we quietly got a lot of w
so i was looking at gustavo, probably kiko. sure it is, i see green and then dissolve it hopefully you need to use the the, [000:00:00;00] the us near the we need the leads to the, in the articles and you might, it's a city of the when you move the least most need them for you, me you know, probably my landline united so it's literally ridiculous. yeah. kind of shows you this list. the closest details, typical, of course, get the but i would stick portables theme and use the link dubiousness...
Jan 27, 2025
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la amenaza de aranceles y la mayorÍa de las sanciones contra colombia, luego de que el presidente gustavoordÓ recibir a sus ciudadanos deportados en aviones militares estadounidenses. continÚan los operativos migratorios. hoy fueron detenidos mÁs de 950 indocumentados. desde que trump asumiÓ la presidencia ya son casi 2700 inmigrantes los arrestados, segÚn estadÍsticasas dece. las primeras lluvias del invierno ponen en alerta al sur de california por riesgo elevado de inundaciones que podrÍan provocar deslaves en las Áreas afectadas por los voraces incendios. y en mÉxico, un grupo de policÍas realizaron un heroico rescate salvando a tres niÑos de una vivienda en llamas. ahora son considerados hÉroes de la ciudad. >> noticias telemundo en la noche con johanna suarez. >> que tal ? muy buenas noches. hoy comenzamos con una noticia de ultima hora. la casa blanca dijo este domingo que colombia dio marcha atras y acordo ac aceptar a sus ciudadanos deportados en vuelos militares estadounidenses, segun el comunicado de la casa blanca. colombia acepto sin r restricciones a todos los indocumentados
la amenaza de aranceles y la mayorÍa de las sanciones contra colombia, luego de que el presidente gustavoordÓ recibir a sus ciudadanos deportados en aviones militares estadounidenses. continÚan los operativos migratorios. hoy fueron detenidos mÁs de 950 indocumentados. desde que trump asumiÓ la presidencia ya son casi 2700 inmigrantes los arrestados, segÚn estadÍsticasas dece. las primeras lluvias del invierno ponen en alerta al sur de california por riesgo elevado de inundaciones que...
Jan 27, 2025
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horas mas tarde, el presidente gustavo petro imponia aranceles a productos esta estadounidenses.as a amplia desde bogota. >> unos 80 colombianos debian llegar. este domingo en dos aviones militares, series. y siete similares al que se ve.>> en pantalla. >> pero ahora hace su llegada . el presidente gustavo petro anuncio en su cuenta en x que no les permitiran aterrizar en el pais. en un segundo mensaje dijo que aunque no podia hacer que se queden en un pais que no los quiere. pidio que lleguen en aviones civiles sin trato de delincuentes. la decision llevo a que el presidente e estadounidense, donald trump, anunciara en la red truth social medidas en represalia por la negativa de petro. entre ellas un aumento en los aranceles que se pagan por los productos que ingresan a los estados unidos, inicialmente del 25% para subir en una semana al 50%. tambien prohibe viajes y revoca i inmediatamente las visas a los funcionarios del gobierno c colombiano y a todos sus aliados y partidarios. esto sucede luego de que mexico bloqueara dos v vuelos de migrantes la semana pasada, situacion que
horas mas tarde, el presidente gustavo petro imponia aranceles a productos esta estadounidenses.as a amplia desde bogota. >> unos 80 colombianos debian llegar. este domingo en dos aviones militares, series. y siete similares al que se ve.>> en pantalla. >> pero ahora hace su llegada . el presidente gustavo petro anuncio en su cuenta en x que no les permitiran aterrizar en el pais. en un segundo mensaje dijo que aunque no podia hacer que se queden en un pais que no los quiere....
Jan 29, 2025
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as president gustavo petra presented to us military plains, carrying the migrants blending us, pressed the village on, threatening to impose 25 percent towers of petra continued to block is repub creation flights the to then reach to deal as i was on the door, it was very hard, the 16 days looked up without being able to see the light with bad food, bad sleep, verbal and physical in this treatment model, the center of the he has the latest from the columbia and capitol the, these 1st 2 flights arrived here in the capital book on tuesday, 1000 capacity prison, the biggest of the world to hold a was given rare access to the prison david. a sick halted, took a look. this is with me says that her son should be home in son julio. and see if they had quoted for their lesson. this is alice hodge room. he has his things here for feast guitar, his pam pipes, all his clothes. just commit crimes here, but some of the countries of the book back in son julio. and tell me, says ali is, is not a criminal. he was the 1st of each time. let's go to university. he worked in local governments any sped tim
as president gustavo petra presented to us military plains, carrying the migrants blending us, pressed the village on, threatening to impose 25 percent towers of petra continued to block is repub creation flights the to then reach to deal as i was on the door, it was very hard, the 16 days looked up without being able to see the light with bad food, bad sleep, verbal and physical in this treatment model, the center of the he has the latest from the columbia and capitol the, these 1st 2 flights...
Jan 23, 2025
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gang violence and moment. 5000 people killed across the country in 2024, columbia and president, gustavo petro has reactivated arrest warrants the top leaders of the country's largest rebel group, the outlet, and it comes off to petro declared, a state of emergency, in response to a new wave of fighting for control of drug trafficking surgery along the venezuelan board, at least atp flipping kills and around 20000 people have been for some that homes, the ongoing violence around $5000.00 special forces members have been deployed to the area, the north east of the country. south korea's anti corruption agency has recommended that impeach president, use tokyo's criminal case to be transferred to the prosecutor's office, which has the power to proceed with an indictment. the office is requesting a be charged with orchestrating and insurrection, abusing his will, far too, and obstructing others from exercising their rights system. we're supposed to use declaration of martial rule last month. use the 1st sitting south korea and head of state to be arrested and has not the only people with thi
gang violence and moment. 5000 people killed across the country in 2024, columbia and president, gustavo petro has reactivated arrest warrants the top leaders of the country's largest rebel group, the outlet, and it comes off to petro declared, a state of emergency, in response to a new wave of fighting for control of drug trafficking surgery along the venezuelan board, at least atp flipping kills and around 20000 people have been for some that homes, the ongoing violence around $5000.00...
Jan 27, 2025
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as a gustavo petro book, see what's been a tree plains, covering the quoted migrants, the president of the roost with another 5 years and tired of extending his 30 year room. the had a lot of a let's have a look at the weather across north america and welcome relief has arrived across the south west of the us, thanks to a storm is pulled into southern parts of california is bought some rain as well as the mountain snow we're looking at along the spells of rain here, rather than to mention down pulls, which could cause lance life. that is a slight chance of that thanks to the burn scars, that will, which is to all the weather pushes off for further towards the east system of the southeastern states. seen some of the showers in monday in 2 chairs day the rain picks up as well for texas, but it's not the winter weather that we saw just a few days ago. instead, that will be confined to to the northeast. you can see some snow moving into southern parts of and terrier pushing across the very far east of canada as well. now there's good news to come in terms of temperatures. that central 3rd
as a gustavo petro book, see what's been a tree plains, covering the quoted migrants, the president of the roost with another 5 years and tired of extending his 30 year room. the had a lot of a let's have a look at the weather across north america and welcome relief has arrived across the south west of the us, thanks to a storm is pulled into southern parts of california is bought some rain as well as the mountain snow we're looking at along the spells of rain here, rather than to mention down...
Jan 27, 2025
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run patsy has a reaction from boca to the take away from columbia at least for now is the president gustavo paper has no intention of backing down quite the opposite. he already directed the minister of commerce here to impose blankets 25 per cent paris on our all goods imported from the united states. starting on monday. any also posted on ex tab long letter directly to president from where he seems to respond to the fact that for example, they took away his visa saying that he doesn't really like to go to the united states. that he finds a bit of boring. he also talks about what he likes in the united states and goes on to installed from directly saying that he's ending slavery, that he thinks that the people like him, like basically the faith or another. like, you know, americans are inferior. but he says, paper says the stubborn and he's willing to continue this fight for you. mind if the against pricey then trump, and also saying that he is ready to bring those parents up to 50 percent. so as we see, this crisis keeps escalating with the consequences that it could have uh for the econo
run patsy has a reaction from boca to the take away from columbia at least for now is the president gustavo paper has no intention of backing down quite the opposite. he already directed the minister of commerce here to impose blankets 25 per cent paris on our all goods imported from the united states. starting on monday. any also posted on ex tab long letter directly to president from where he seems to respond to the fact that for example, they took away his visa saying that he doesn't really...
Jan 27, 2025
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colombia y e estas unidos se disipó luego de que la casa blanca comunicara anoche que el presidente gustavoingresar al territorio y al espacio aéreo de otro país y que necesitan una autorización. el conflicto que puso en peligro las relaciones bilaterales comenzó cuando el secretario de estado, marco rubio, acusó a petro de autorizar aterrizajes y luego cancelarlos en el aire. petro dijo que lo hacía hasta que se muestra un trato de respeto y dignidad hacia los deportados. el presidente trump respondió con la cancelación de visas y la imposición de aranceles del 25% a bienes colombianos, con una amenaza de elevarlos al 50% en una semana de aplicarse la medida. los productos vitales de exportación hubieran sido afectados. los productos emblemáticos como el café, las flores y el plátano van a ser impactadas de una forma grandísima. a pesar de que se zanjó el impasse diplomático, el gobierno estadounidense ha dicho que no aplicarán por ahora las medidas aduanales, pero se mantendrá la suspensión del visado a funcionarios colombianos hasta que se realice el primer vuelo con éxito frente al cons
colombia y e estas unidos se disipó luego de que la casa blanca comunicara anoche que el presidente gustavoingresar al territorio y al espacio aéreo de otro país y que necesitan una autorización. el conflicto que puso en peligro las relaciones bilaterales comenzó cuando el secretario de estado, marco rubio, acusó a petro de autorizar aterrizajes y luego cancelarlos en el aire. petro dijo que lo hacía hasta que se muestra un trato de respeto y dignidad hacia los deportados. el presidente...
Jan 21, 2025
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just send them, send, send them culturally there and couple kaya for us, colombia and president, gustavo petro has declared the state of emergency is thousands of people flee violence in the northeast. couple turnbow origin, more than 100 people had been killed in the fighting between the national liberation army or ellen and disciplined font cripples since thursday. the complex thoughts to be of the control of cocaine production. petro has suspended peace talks and accused the ellen of convincing war crimes. fox signed a peace agreement with columbia in 2016, leaving the island. the only major rebel group still fighting the government lesandra rumps. he has moved from columbia to some 7000 people are seeking rest of us here in the city of cocoa down the border with vinny, sweat, other part of a larger group of according to thursdays, almost 20000 people that have led the region of north from here and the last 4 days, where horrible flashes between the land or national liberation army, the last bending revel, drew in columbia and the 2nd arm. group assisted in group of former, far travel
just send them, send, send them culturally there and couple kaya for us, colombia and president, gustavo petro has declared the state of emergency is thousands of people flee violence in the northeast. couple turnbow origin, more than 100 people had been killed in the fighting between the national liberation army or ellen and disciplined font cripples since thursday. the complex thoughts to be of the control of cocaine production. petro has suspended peace talks and accused the ellen of...
Jan 17, 2025
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the columbia, as far as a gustavo petra, has suspended peace talks have left us ellen rebels after accusing them of committing will crimes. while that's near the border with venezuela, broke house on thursday between 11 fights is on just didn't fall off. troubles is thought to be a is a control of cocaine production in the area, at least to see people were killed. fox signed a piece of agreement with columbia in 2016, leaving ellen e o. then, and rather the only major rebel groups still fighting the government some throughout the us. he has moved from the columbia in capsule. the president, gustavo fitz, or announced a decision early on friday, on the social network exit essentially saying that there was no way to continue these negotiations with the, with the land that they committed war crimes. and that they showed no willingness to reach peace and the negotiations with this group the last as standing rebel, or got any station operating in columbia. they've been around since the $96.00. these have been fraught from the start. however, there have been some progress, especially at the start
the columbia, as far as a gustavo petra, has suspended peace talks have left us ellen rebels after accusing them of committing will crimes. while that's near the border with venezuela, broke house on thursday between 11 fights is on just didn't fall off. troubles is thought to be a is a control of cocaine production in the area, at least to see people were killed. fox signed a piece of agreement with columbia in 2016, leaving ellen e o. then, and rather the only major rebel groups still...
Jan 23, 2025
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gang finding some more than 5000 people killed across the country in 2024, columbia and president, gustavo petro has reactivated arrest warrants the top leaders of the country's largest rebel group, the outlet, and it comes up to petro declared, a state of emergency in response to a new way of a fighting for control of drug trafficking surgery along the venezuelan border, at least atp flipping kills and around 20000 people have been for some that homes, the ongoing violence around 5000 special forces members have been deployed to the area. the northeast of the country south korea's antique corruption agency has recommended that impeach president, use tokyo's criminal case to be transferred to the prosecutors off.
gang finding some more than 5000 people killed across the country in 2024, columbia and president, gustavo petro has reactivated arrest warrants the top leaders of the country's largest rebel group, the outlet, and it comes up to petro declared, a state of emergency in response to a new way of a fighting for control of drug trafficking surgery along the venezuelan border, at least atp flipping kills and around 20000 people have been for some that homes, the ongoing violence around 5000 special...
Jan 17, 2025
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as president, gustavo petro has suspended peace talks with left this deal in rebels, accusing him of committing war crimes, such as says, fine and snare, the boy do. it's on his way. never accounts on thursday, between e and then fights isn't. this isn't fault, rebels is thought to be able to control the cocaine, that production in the area. at least 30 people were killed, fall cosigned, a peace agreement with columbia in 2016, nathan e and then the only major rebel groups still fighting the government. i just wanted to compare to you has moved from the columbia and capital, the president, gustavo fitz, or announced a decision early on friday on the social network. x essentially saying that there was no way to continue these negotiations with the, with the land that they committed war crimes and that they show no willingness to reach peace and the negotiations with this group the last as standing rabble or got any station operating in columbia. they've been around since the $196.00. these have been fraught from the sides. however, there have been some progress, especially at the star
as president, gustavo petro has suspended peace talks with left this deal in rebels, accusing him of committing war crimes, such as says, fine and snare, the boy do. it's on his way. never accounts on thursday, between e and then fights isn't. this isn't fault, rebels is thought to be able to control the cocaine, that production in the area. at least 30 people were killed, fall cosigned, a peace agreement with columbia in 2016, nathan e and then the only major rebel groups still fighting the...
Jan 17, 2025
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has find what's being described as a constructive treaty. piece wilkes off in columbia, president, gustavo petro has suspended the discussions, accusing ill, and rebels of not being serious about the price as plus i'm always so sure. and washington, what donald trump is about to make a remarkable return to the white house. something many thought impossible just 4 years ago. and on piece of statements with the of sports news, novak chunk of its powers, these millions of the last 16 that the australian open data no later this news our . the thanks for joining us now as well as governments is meeting to vote on the approval of a golf c spot agreement. the security cabinet met earlier and recommended the government's approval for the deal, which is expected to take effect on sunday. now it allows for the release of all the remaining counts as still being held in gauze or in the gradual withdrawal of his ready forces from the strip. israel's foreign ministers of national security and finance voted against the cease fire agreement. now of the friday security cabinet meeting is small. ben, give a
has find what's being described as a constructive treaty. piece wilkes off in columbia, president, gustavo petro has suspended the discussions, accusing ill, and rebels of not being serious about the price as plus i'm always so sure. and washington, what donald trump is about to make a remarkable return to the white house. something many thought impossible just 4 years ago. and on piece of statements with the of sports news, novak chunk of its powers, these millions of the last 16 that the...
Jan 27, 2025
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elizabeth put on them a route that blew up almost as suddenly as it ended columbia and president, gustavo petro docking holmes. with his us count about donald trump, the full backing down, also us military plains carrying deported. colombians were bod, from landing by petro trunk, reactive swiftly with terrorists and sanctions. retaliatory measures announced by columbia before and a pound, climbed down by president petro deportation. flights with military plains to be allowed in with columbia promising dignified conditions for those on board. the speed of the escalation of hostilities between the 2, our allies have surprised many if the spot former left to scovella petro being at the other end of the political spectrum from trump. so what's to be learned from this episode about the new trump administration and how it plans to do business and what might be the impact on undocumented immigrants in the west as well as the countries of origin. we'll discuss all this without paddle of guess shortly, but 1st this report from michael soon shed. he's with us preston. dont need some claim speak to
elizabeth put on them a route that blew up almost as suddenly as it ended columbia and president, gustavo petro docking holmes. with his us count about donald trump, the full backing down, also us military plains carrying deported. colombians were bod, from landing by petro trunk, reactive swiftly with terrorists and sanctions. retaliatory measures announced by columbia before and a pound, climbed down by president petro deportation. flights with military plains to be allowed in with columbia...
Jan 28, 2025
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the salo sundays found off when columbia as president gustavo petro, barred to us plains carrying migraines from landing both countries and pose retaliatory towers on each other's goods, but reached a deal a short while after nights these prime minister says she's being faced under investigation by prosecutors in rome for re patry aging and libby and suspect wanted by the international criminal court, georgia maloney says she is suspected of aiding and abetting a crime, but says she will not be intimidated. her government released so some mastery last week on a technicality, letting him travel back to libya after detaining him for a few days, his in libya and chief of police accused by the i, c, c of rape. madder and crimes against humanity savvy as prime minister has resigned. following weeks of protests over the best of 15, people killed when a roof collapsed at a train station in november, tens of thousands of protesters bronx, a major crossroads in the capital, bel grade, demanding accountability. and i'm going to bring some very wet weather to southern pots of mozambique, and we'll see
the salo sundays found off when columbia as president gustavo petro, barred to us plains carrying migraines from landing both countries and pose retaliatory towers on each other's goods, but reached a deal a short while after nights these prime minister says she's being faced under investigation by prosecutors in rome for re patry aging and libby and suspect wanted by the international criminal court, georgia maloney says she is suspected of aiding and abetting a crime, but says she will not be...
Jan 12, 2025
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gustavo valdez, cnn, pacific palisades, california. >> right now, a curfew is in place for many of the areas under evacuation orders in los angeles county. it's a move to aid police in cracking down on looters looking to burglarize homes. law enforcement say they've already made several arrests in the fire aftermath, and they warn jail time and hefty fines await those thinking about burglarizing those empty homes. >> we've made seven arrests just in the last two days, and we even made arrests of two individuals that were actually posing as firefighters coming in and out of houses. so we're paying very, very close attention to everybody that's coming. >> people posing as firemen. well, a congressman from california tells cnn how concerned he is with people not following the directions of authorities. >> we are in the middle of a serious emergency, and i just heard from law enforcement was, please, folks need to listen to evacuate. and the folks that are choosing to not take these direct, these direct orders that are choosing to stay in their homes are not just endangering themselves, th
gustavo valdez, cnn, pacific palisades, california. >> right now, a curfew is in place for many of the areas under evacuation orders in los angeles county. it's a move to aid police in cracking down on looters looking to burglarize homes. law enforcement say they've already made several arrests in the fire aftermath, and they warn jail time and hefty fines await those thinking about burglarizing those empty homes. >> we've made seven arrests just in the last two days, and we even...
Jan 22, 2025
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waiting to see what happens next. kristin salumi, al jazeera, boston, columbia, and the preston, gustavo petro has declared a state of emergency after new wave of fighting for control of drug trafficking territory along the vin is waiting for the about 5000 special forces. members have been deployed to the area, the north east of the country. at least 100 people have been killed. around 20000 people have been forced from the ongoing foreigners fronts has begun putting military forces out of ivory coast officials in the west half of the country have confirmed that 91. i've already and soldiers have been deployed to a former french base at port. but i need to support some additional all the streets of ivory coast business capital. there is no let up in rising and to frank sentiments at our local market. just land so cool echoes the feeling of maybe i've audience about the presence of french forces in that country. all the fuel fed . we need to catch her breath. we're tired of all the clues. we know they're behind many problems in africa. we africans don't want to live in constant conflict.
waiting to see what happens next. kristin salumi, al jazeera, boston, columbia, and the preston, gustavo petro has declared a state of emergency after new wave of fighting for control of drug trafficking territory along the vin is waiting for the about 5000 special forces. members have been deployed to the area, the north east of the country. at least 100 people have been killed. around 20000 people have been forced from the ongoing foreigners fronts has begun putting military forces out of...
Jan 23, 2025
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station did hazy guitar, says that needs bull buddy, equipment personnel to columbia and present, gustavo petro has reactivated the rest towards the top leaders of the country's largest rebel group, the e l, and it comes off to petro july, the state of emergency. it responds to a new wave of fighting for control of drug trafficking, territory logs of others vailable to at least 80 people have been killed. and the ongoing violence phase with the headlines will be back with bodies at half an hour to stay with us. out of their wealth is next. the medical center set in greece called zag triumphs as in 1970 oscar winning best foreign language film assigned to a technician on fence is for scott, scott feet, even sherry and the motion because i would want there's only the be feeling with don't pressure if you have that, that type of product, it says 84, i'm sorry. i said i'm not to bother me by the general so you can sort of kind of that as well. so you need to kind of freaking it for. so i'll call you to close the front door. oh technically get on a credit fellow in tennessee. i'm off along can
station did hazy guitar, says that needs bull buddy, equipment personnel to columbia and present, gustavo petro has reactivated the rest towards the top leaders of the country's largest rebel group, the e l, and it comes off to petro july, the state of emergency. it responds to a new wave of fighting for control of drug trafficking, territory logs of others vailable to at least 80 people have been killed. and the ongoing violence phase with the headlines will be back with bodies at half an hour...
Jan 12, 2025
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gustavo valdez, thank you so much.nd there are a lot of families, so many thousands that are experiencing what gustavo was just talking about. as these wildfires continue to decimate neighborhoods, people have lost their livelihoods, their homes, family members. next, i'll talk to an expert about how survivors can cope with all that trauma. >> kobe believed in himself at the youngest possible age. >> it's one of the most remarkable stories in sports history. >> i don't want to be remembered as just a basketball player. >> kobe premieres january 25th on cbs to avoid digital threats. >> just turn on nordvpn. improve your protection against trackers, malicious websites and malware ridden downloads. get the deal now. >> with cascade platinum plus, i have upped my dish game in that dishwasher. watch me. >> platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. >> clean enough for you? >> yeah. >> scrape. bloat. done. >> cascade platinum plus tempur-pedic designed the ergo pro smart base to help you fal
gustavo valdez, thank you so much.nd there are a lot of families, so many thousands that are experiencing what gustavo was just talking about. as these wildfires continue to decimate neighborhoods, people have lost their livelihoods, their homes, family members. next, i'll talk to an expert about how survivors can cope with all that trauma. >> kobe believed in himself at the youngest possible age. >> it's one of the most remarkable stories in sports history. >> i don't want to...
Jan 12, 2025
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gustavo valdez, thank you for bringing us some of those stories. we appreciate it.till ahead, how firefighters are attacking the flames from the air. you're in the cnn newsroom. >> this part changed my life. >> superman. crazy. just that simple little thing over the horse. >> she came flying in and she just yelled, i love you. >> superman was in a wheelchair and was willing to go public with. >> it was huge. >> i told him i would do whatever i could to make him proud. chris wanted to change the world. >> people are literally walking because of him superman. >> the christopher reeve story. february 2nd on cnn. >> subway has got a new meal of the day with chips and a drink for just 6.99. or if you're big hungry, make it a foot long for only $3 more. huh? big hungry? is that a thing? that should be a thing. find your fresh with the all new 6.99 meal of the day at subway. >> here you go. >> is there any way to get a better price on this? >> have you checked single care? >> whenever my customers ask how to get a better price on their meds, i tell them about single care.
gustavo valdez, thank you for bringing us some of those stories. we appreciate it.till ahead, how firefighters are attacking the flames from the air. you're in the cnn newsroom. >> this part changed my life. >> superman. crazy. just that simple little thing over the horse. >> she came flying in and she just yelled, i love you. >> superman was in a wheelchair and was willing to go public with. >> it was huge. >> i told him i would do whatever i could to make...
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wherever they may be the there's a dw news, and these are our top stories, columbia, and present. gustavo petro has threatened to impose tariffs of up to 50 percent on us imports and retaliation to terrace, announced by us president donald trump. trump said he was imposing a raft of terrace on columbia after bogota refused to allow to us deportation flights to enter a columbia narrow space. the palestinian islamic jihad group, and goza says it will release is really civilian hostage or value hood before friday. according to the israel must cease fire agreement or belief which should have been.
wherever they may be the there's a dw news, and these are our top stories, columbia, and present. gustavo petro has threatened to impose tariffs of up to 50 percent on us imports and retaliation to terrace, announced by us president donald trump. trump said he was imposing a raft of terrace on columbia after bogota refused to allow to us deportation flights to enter a columbia narrow space. the palestinian islamic jihad group, and goza says it will release is really civilian hostage or value...
Jan 22, 2025
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in the northeast, thousands have been forced from that homes and the violence has posted present. gustavo petro, so suspend piece, talk with a e. l and rebel group alessandro around p at st, has more from the city of colquitt to exhausted in see a full 15000 people have arrived to this stadium in the city of coop. within the last 5 days in search of refuge and aids. there among the $25000.00 sports, typically their homes. i mean fuse clashes between 2 rival on groups and the kind of tune the region on diminished when the border seeing the, the academy in their family arrived and cut the 2 most 7 years ago. fling when the suite less political and economic crisis. they say that when the classes started, they tried to predict their home. but when on man ordered them to leave, they have no choice. in the months, you know, the gun fired the dead in the streets of the nearest town. it was unbearable that in response to the worsening humanitarian crisis, president goose double paid through who made it a priority to bring what he calls total peace to the country, suspended ongoing negotiations wi
in the northeast, thousands have been forced from that homes and the violence has posted present. gustavo petro, so suspend piece, talk with a e. l and rebel group alessandro around p at st, has more from the city of colquitt to exhausted in see a full 15000 people have arrived to this stadium in the city of coop. within the last 5 days in search of refuge and aids. there among the $25000.00 sports, typically their homes. i mean fuse clashes between 2 rival on groups and the kind of tune the...
Jan 27, 2025
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gustavo petro though has basically retaliated, saying he would also match the 25% tariff on everythingted into columbia from the united states, so what kind of products are we talking about? the united states imports about 20% of its coffee from colombia as well as crude oils, avocados and flowers and if it passed on to consumers that would make them more consumers. and economists have been warning that inflation has only managed to cool down in the united states but those tariffs could actually make the cost of living crisis worse again. but mr trump has always said that tariffs are a powerful tool and this decision has clearly shown that he is not afraid to use them. . ., , them. thanks for getting us across those _ them. thanks for getting us| across those developments. mariko 0i in our newsroom. donald trump has vowed to impose tariffs and in his interview with fox news, he said he would rather not impose tariffs on the world's second—largest economy and just want a level playing field for american businesses. how chinese positioning themselves amongst the rhetoric the white house?
gustavo petro though has basically retaliated, saying he would also match the 25% tariff on everythingted into columbia from the united states, so what kind of products are we talking about? the united states imports about 20% of its coffee from colombia as well as crude oils, avocados and flowers and if it passed on to consumers that would make them more consumers. and economists have been warning that inflation has only managed to cool down in the united states but those tariffs could...
Jan 24, 2025
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elian: el presidente gustavo petro recordÓ que habÍa advertido a los cabecillas que si seguÍan , no habÍa compaÑÍa dijo que la turista no ajustÓ bien parte de su equipo y por eso saliÓ del apnes. ——arnÉs. la pelÍcula emilia pÉrez se convirtiÓ hoy en la mÁxima nominada a la ediciÓn 97 de los premios Óscar de la academia, incluida mejor pelÍcula, mejor actriz para carla sofÍa gascÓn, ademÁs otra, tambiÉn se convierten la primera actriz
elian: el presidente gustavo petro recordÓ que habÍa advertido a los cabecillas que si seguÍan , no habÍa compaÑÍa dijo que la turista no ajustÓ bien parte de su equipo y por eso saliÓ del apnes. ——arnÉs. la pelÍcula emilia pÉrez se convirtiÓ hoy en la mÁxima nominada a la ediciÓn 97 de los premios Óscar de la academia, incluida mejor pelÍcula, mejor actriz para carla sofÍa gascÓn, ademÁs otra, tambiÉn se convierten la primera actriz
Jan 28, 2025
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esto ocurre tras una tensiÓn importantÍsima entre los presidentes donald trump y gustavo petro, la cual las consecuencias de una de las medidas impuestas por donald trump contra colombia. >> por ser colombianos nos tuvieron que llevar a una sala especial, los pasaportes y te quitaban todas las maletas. maria: tras la negativa del presidente colombiano de aceptar dos vuelos con migrantes deportados, trump anunciÓ inspecciones reforzadas de aduanas, protecciÓn fronteriza dentro de todos los ciudadanos colombianos y de la carga polÍtica nacional. gloria esperaba su madre, una mujer de 85 aÑos. >> estoy un poquito preocupada porque si lleva bastante tiempo desde que Él vuelva seguro. maria: aunque la casa blanca asegurÓ en un comunicado que el gobierno de colombia ha aceptado toda la condiciones del presidente trump, la situaciÓn no se normalizarÁ hasta que lleguen a colombia los inmigrantes con orden de deportaciÓn a quienes se les negÓ el acceso segÚn la casa blanca. el canciller colombiano llegÓ a washington en el mismo vuelo, tras anunciar que colombia enviarÁ un aviÓn militar para llev
esto ocurre tras una tensiÓn importantÍsima entre los presidentes donald trump y gustavo petro, la cual las consecuencias de una de las medidas impuestas por donald trump contra colombia. >> por ser colombianos nos tuvieron que llevar a una sala especial, los pasaportes y te quitaban todas las maletas. maria: tras la negativa del presidente colombiano de aceptar dos vuelos con migrantes deportados, trump anunciÓ inspecciones reforzadas de aduanas, protecciÓn fronteriza dentro de todos...
Jan 27, 2025
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american literature echo calvin deported migrates columbia as president has also respond to the terrace, gustavo chevy again, emily, and with a lift gate. the way, the way the, was that the main eh, most of the above costs we owe and somebody needs to be on the can empty that they fill out most of that because you're with us with a hoss like it's got a lot of muscle going with the lady, you're not, there's probably a bottle where when love comes up on the 5th button for an interview with you through a couple of him, but getting to the football and to get the rest. and she has to be filled up in for a new id. that should have been deep bowman, and most of the impression was good. that will be there yet. if the bed i'm gonna hit a lot will be either a muscle of the plowed clothes. yeah, a lot of the business by and the good people you up with the well, how many little goverlan wish ahead, that's a lot of what i would the fee necessarily limit to send the money that is that i'm and that that's the thought. uh, but we have physical condemn had that, but that that is above impacted by the way that th
american literature echo calvin deported migrates columbia as president has also respond to the terrace, gustavo chevy again, emily, and with a lift gate. the way, the way the, was that the main eh, most of the above costs we owe and somebody needs to be on the can empty that they fill out most of that because you're with us with a hoss like it's got a lot of muscle going with the lady, you're not, there's probably a bottle where when love comes up on the 5th button for an interview with you...
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and president, gustavo petro has threatened to impose tear us up to 50 percent on us imports and retaliation to terrace unknowns by us president donald trump. from said he was imposing a rafter terrace in columbia after bogota refused to allow to us deportation flights to enter columbia and aerospace present. petro had earlier called on the united states to treat migrants with dignity and said, washington cannot treat columbia in migrants as criminals. so could we be seeing the beginning of a trade war over a regular migration? and what exactly is trumps game plan? dw correspondence stuff from simon's in washington told me more. it's yeah, it's actually in full swing, as you said, if it's a tit for tat or i for an i, donald trump is not happy about colombia as reacting to him, sending to planes with uh, he says illegal immigrants back to columbia on military plains. uh, the caribbean president said no, you do not get permission to land to turn around. they did. trump is angry, leveraging 25 percent of all colombian products. the colombian president does the same. what is the game plan? well,
and president, gustavo petro has threatened to impose tear us up to 50 percent on us imports and retaliation to terrace unknowns by us president donald trump. from said he was imposing a rafter terrace in columbia after bogota refused to allow to us deportation flights to enter columbia and aerospace present. petro had earlier called on the united states to treat migrants with dignity and said, washington cannot treat columbia in migrants as criminals. so could we be seeing the beginning of a...
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so the, an air until berlin, thanks for joining us. colombian president, gustavo petro has threatened to impose tariffs of up to 50 percent on us, can ports in retaliation to terrace, announced by us president donald trump. this from said he was imposing a raft of terrorist on columbia after bogota refused to allow to us deportation flights to enter columbia and aerospace, as an petro had earlier, a cold on the united states, to treat migraines with dignity and said, washington cannot treat colombian migraines. as criminals for more we're joined now by dw correspondence stuff on simon's in washington dc. so stuff on we appear to be seeing the opening shots of a trade war over your regular migration. what exactly is problems game plan? yeah, it's actually in full swing, as you said, it's a tit for tat or i for an i, donald trump is not happy about colombia. his reaction to him sending to planes with he says illegal immigrants back to columbia on military plains, the columbia and president said, no, you do not get permission to land here. turn around. they did. trump is angry, leveragin
so the, an air until berlin, thanks for joining us. colombian president, gustavo petro has threatened to impose tariffs of up to 50 percent on us, can ports in retaliation to terrace, announced by us president donald trump. this from said he was imposing a raft of terrorist on columbia after bogota refused to allow to us deportation flights to enter columbia and aerospace, as an petro had earlier, a cold on the united states, to treat migraines with dignity and said, washington cannot treat...
Jan 27, 2025
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president trump twisted the arm of colombia's president, gustavo petro, and got him to reverse course in a matter of hours, but we don't have repatriation agreements with venezuela or with china. what do you do with people from those two countries apprehended? >> first of all, we got president trump. they will take 'em back. i'm convinced because under first trump administration, el salvador would not take ms-13 members and it took president trump 48 hours and we were filling planes in el salvador and ms-13, and mexico, they didn't want to put the military on the southern border and we did it. a strong -- >> you're dealing with president xi. >> if they don't take it, we'll find a third safe country and i have third countries willing to take nationals from any country from us, and we're working on those agreements. if we can't move them one place, we'll put them somewhere else. >> sandra: thank you, tom. >> john: see you soon. and crews helping to put out southern california wildfires and the downpour creating fresh problems. what we know about the new risks ahead. >> sandra: a chinese
president trump twisted the arm of colombia's president, gustavo petro, and got him to reverse course in a matter of hours, but we don't have repatriation agreements with venezuela or with china. what do you do with people from those two countries apprehended? >> first of all, we got president trump. they will take 'em back. i'm convinced because under first trump administration, el salvador would not take ms-13 members and it took president trump 48 hours and we were filling planes in el...
Jan 11, 2025
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el piojo como se le conoce, tiene un equipo bien armado, su predecesor gustavo alfaro al tiempo que decÍa herrera. >> hay que mantener las cosas que se hacen bien, no hay porque cambiarlas tampoco. por mi manera de pensar tratar de que la selecciÓn se mantengan ese nivel, quizÁs jugaremos de diferente forma a lo que era el tÉcnico anterior, pero queremos que siga funcionando. henrique: los golden state warrior busca esta tarde su segunda victoria les permite mantener un rÉcord por encima de los 500 de porcentaje, hoy no cuentan con sus dos principales estrellas y ademÁs, de elementos como jonathan y andrew todos relacionados de que la casa de su madre fue consumida por las llamas en los incendios del sur de california. [habla en inglÉs] [habla en inglÉs] henrique: tremenda la situaciÓn que se vive en el sur de california. la nba pospuso el partido que debÍa jugarse anoche entre los break. mientras que la nfl tomÓ la decisiÓn de trasladar el partido de los playoffs de la luna por la noche que serÁ entre los Ángeles y los vikingos de minnesota se jugara en glender arizona, esos son los impa
el piojo como se le conoce, tiene un equipo bien armado, su predecesor gustavo alfaro al tiempo que decÍa herrera. >> hay que mantener las cosas que se hacen bien, no hay porque cambiarlas tampoco. por mi manera de pensar tratar de que la selecciÓn se mantengan ese nivel, quizÁs jugaremos de diferente forma a lo que era el tÉcnico anterior, pero queremos que siga funcionando. henrique: los golden state warrior busca esta tarde su segunda victoria les permite mantener un rÉcord por...
Jan 22, 2025
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waiting to see what happens next. kristin salumi, al jazeera, boston, columbia, and the preston, gustavo petro has declared a state of emergency, often new ways of fighting for control of drug trafficking territory along defenders. waiting for the about $5000.00 special forces members have been deployed to the area, the northeast of the country. at least 100 people have been killed. around 20000 people have been forced from the ongoing findings the front sides beyond the putting military forces out of.
waiting to see what happens next. kristin salumi, al jazeera, boston, columbia, and the preston, gustavo petro has declared a state of emergency, often new ways of fighting for control of drug trafficking territory along defenders. waiting for the about $5000.00 special forces members have been deployed to the area, the northeast of the country. at least 100 people have been killed. around 20000 people have been forced from the ongoing findings the front sides beyond the putting military forces...
Jan 12, 2025
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roberto y gustavo sÁnchez de mazatlÁn fueron llamados para completar la convocatoria.stedes a los estudios. deportiva y regreso con ustedes a los estudios. presentador: crecen la primera vez que pruebas bounce, te das cuenta que: tu ropa se siente mucho más fresca y menos arrugada... entonces, empiezas a preguntarte... si le pongo una hoja de bounce al tipo de finanzas, ¿lo suavizará? bounce no puede hacerlo todo, pero para tu ropa... ♪ put a sheet on it with bounce ♪ (♪♪) frustrated with the way you currently file your taxes? switch to turbotax full service. you'll be matched with an expert who will do your taxes from start to finish, as soon as today. and they'll only sign when they know it's 100% correct to ensure you get your best outcome, guaranteed. plus, with refund advance, get up to $4,000 instantly, in as little as 60 seconds from irs acceptance. switch to turbotax full service. brand power. helping you buy better. ¿mr. clean magic eraser ultra foamy? ¿el poder de restregar de magic eraser y el poder limpiador de dawn? ¡los poderes de los dos en uno! ultra fo
roberto y gustavo sÁnchez de mazatlÁn fueron llamados para completar la convocatoria.stedes a los estudios. deportiva y regreso con ustedes a los estudios. presentador: crecen la primera vez que pruebas bounce, te das cuenta que: tu ropa se siente mucho más fresca y menos arrugada... entonces, empiezas a preguntarte... si le pongo una hoja de bounce al tipo de finanzas, ¿lo suavizará? bounce no puede hacerlo todo, pero para tu ropa... ♪ put a sheet on it with bounce ♪ (♪♪)...
Jan 12, 2025
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roberto y gustavo sÁnchez de mazatlÁn fueron llamados para completar la convocatoria.ipo de finanzas, ¿lo suavizará? bounce no puede hacerlo todo, pero para tu ropa... ♪ put a sheet on it with bounce ♪ (♪♪) frustrated with the way you currently file your taxes? switch to turbotax full service. you'll be matched with an expert who will do your taxes from start to finish, as soon as today. and they'll only sign when they know it's 100% correct to ensure you get your best outcome, guaranteed. plus, with refund advance, get up to $4,000 instantly, in as little as 60 seconds from irs acceptance. switch to turbotax full service. brand power. helping you buy better. ¿mr. clean magic eraser ultra foamy? ¿el poder de restregar de magic eraser y el poder limpiador de dawn? ¡los poderes de los dos en uno! ultra foamy limpia hasta el 100% de la suciedad, grasa y mugre pegada con solo agua. deja de usar espray y comienza a borrar con el magic eraser ultra foamy. ♪♪ ♪♪ mamá, necesitas un descanso... ♪♪ ♪♪ vives para recargarte de energía de vez en cuando. vivimos para diseñarte paqu
roberto y gustavo sÁnchez de mazatlÁn fueron llamados para completar la convocatoria.ipo de finanzas, ¿lo suavizará? bounce no puede hacerlo todo, pero para tu ropa... ♪ put a sheet on it with bounce ♪ (♪♪) frustrated with the way you currently file your taxes? switch to turbotax full service. you'll be matched with an expert who will do your taxes from start to finish, as soon as today. and they'll only sign when they know it's 100% correct to ensure you get your best outcome,...