the contrast is hilary rodham clinton. she made a mistake with their e-mail server. there is no question about that. she has taken responsibility for its prey do not know if any of you saw the editorial in the east hampton start today. my opponent has said that hilary clinton belongs in jail as has donald trump. the east hampton start put it very well today. only someone who thanks that the law of the land is equivalent to a third world banana republic and does not understand the law would make a statement like that but i will remind you that mr. zeldin is an attorney and a statement like that when you have very simple ignorant rule of the law the country like ours are also neglecting to understand make inflammatory statements like that is untruthful and misleading. now we have two candidates one that's going to win the white house, that is going to make an appointment or several to the supreme court. one of them, hilary rodham clinton will make sure that appointee will get rid of citizens united. we'll get the dark money out of politics coco brothers et cetera which