$237,000 in journalists are holding 7 77pro7t7est77 77 7 77p7ro7t7est7against calling the fake news bees ibibc’sedabobt the of press in state of press freedom in pakistan but they are not the only ones worried. opposition have called these and former the bar of the supreme court bar have endorsed association. have endorsed this they association. have ehdorsed this they are association. have endorsed this they are all this 7 "that 7 7 77 7 ”that; 7 77 7 ”teasru’fs’dgg' 7 77 7 77this7 bill7i7s7ripe7f7or 7 77 and could essentially abuse and could essentially dissent. point va-ue vaue [an-cuae. what does to vague language. what does fake information actually does it mean to 7 does it mean to ca7st what does it mean to cast on politicians from anyone 7 7 7 7 7777a7n7yonefo7un7d 77 face to guilty could face up to three years prison. the government years in prison. the government denied that there is bill has denied that there is bill journalists the bill 7 that it is aimed itself states that it is aimed at hate speech, that cause oi’ 7or 7 the harm or violencefiherbachdrop all that theirs is a tense in