ms. bonamici: mr. speaker, i rise to speak against this extreme legislation that would criminalize doctors. as we've heard, killing a baby is already against the law. what we should be doing is working together to get accurate health care information to anyone who is pregnant or who wants to be pregnant. so here's a real story. from oregon. a county public health clinic closed and when a local woman missed her period, she went to a so-called crisis pregnancy center. she got a test and an ultra sound. the center said, you're pregnant, all is well, you should plan for a new baby. a month later she was hemorrhaging. she went to the emergency department where the doctor diagnosed a uterine polyp and early cancer. and that blurry ultrasound she got at the crisis pregnancy center, it was not a baby. it was impacted stool in her colon. she was obviously dangerously misdiagnosed. sadly, stories like this are notten uncommon -- is not uncommon which is why i'll introduce an act to prevent unfair advertising of