it's not going to be nunhead, is it?'s get to the times then, and see what's happening on the front page. >> so nato warns uk over ballistic missile threats pm urged to raise spending amid fears defence of vulnerable and britain faces strike from anywhere. these stories, particularly from the sunday times, have been circulating for, well, years now. that's because we have spent years and years and years underfunding our defence, and the reason these stories on the front of the paperis stories on the front of the paper is twofold. one, to scare the government into spending more on defence, and one to let the people know that we should be scared because our defence doesn't stand up to any any form of attack we are entirely reliant now on as a nation, on our allies, and if only if one of our allies attacks us, then we really are. >> that's actually not true. >> that's actually not true. >> of course it's not. >> go on, tell us why we say this country is relying on our allies to save us. we only have one ally who could save