tunnock. >> oh. what? tunnock's. >> oh. what? tunnock's. >> teacakes. >> teacakes. >> yes, absolutely. scotland. he invented the tunnock's teacake invented the tunnock's teacake in 1956. how old is he today, do you think? >> 56. he invented in 56. oh, he must be well, in his 90s, then. >> 92? yeah. well done. so there you are, a tunnock's teacake. >> well, we should all have a tunnock's teacake to celebrate his birthday today. >> and the fact that it's burns night tonight. >> it is. >> it is. >> burns night. so it's a scottish thing to do. actually, if you don't fancy plunging into a haggis, you could have a tunnock's teacake instead. >> yes. i think it'll be a much better thing to do. the idea of a vegetarian haggis. now, even that. >> even the point i. >> even the point i. >> say even that doesn't. well, even that doesn't appeal. no. >> it. >> it. >> doesn't really. anyway, happy burns night if you're in scotland this morning. farmers from across the uk are staging a national day of unity. tractors are preparing to be in convoy