for that but i do want to say that coming to this commission was an eye opener for the commissioner asllani williams that this was issues that she was interested in. but i've loved her questions that really break things down sometimes so to make it, you know, more accessible to people who are participating in this and just really thank her she has been a great addition and i just want to acknowledge and think she's watching this that she knows that we're very appreciative of her and look forward to her being at our next meeting. thank you. thank you for that and i certainly concur with that and thank you all. >> i mean you are such a great group. >> i love working. i can look forward to this year. well okay. >> motion to adjourn. >> the second meeting is adjourned. thank you. >> thank you >> i never met anyone who recovered from the drugs i was using. i know i was not living the life i wanted to lichb, but didn't know how to get back on track. buprenorphine gave me the life and space to take life one step at a time. i have a life, a life beyond what i could ever dream. a life that includes