it's safe to say cornelius o'donovan loves a quiz. it's not the m1, it's not the m1, it's the m6. a tv quiz show 32 times, winning £17,500 in prize money. so this is my lord of the rings trivial pursuit, i teach mathematics, anne. what use is mathematics? um... i've seen footage of you with anne robinson. is that one that sticks in your mind? you're not very strong at banking, cornelius, are you? the questions, but at the very end she was actually really charming. i think my favourite host would have to be bradley walsh, because he did his best to put all contestants at their ease, so does cornelius fancy himself as being one of the chasers? the answer is the guggenheim. well played. i thought i'd put cornelius to the test by asking questions he remember the answers? cornelius, your time starts now. which structures were built as tombs for the egyptian pharaohs? the pyramids. correct. the flag of the united - nations features branches 30 seconds. 0live. in march 2007, former astronaut buzz aldrin became one of the first people to step on the skywalk the ganges. ganges? correct answ