organised by the cornish pasty association, the world's fastest amateur cornish pasty crimper. the cornishtray filled —— trave of food there, you trave full of food there, you could have put them to the ”as 777they they must be smelling studio, they mustb u~ '., morninu , mornin: , i'm delicious. %$%§%e mornin: , i'm reall mam; - morning, i'm really hungry this morning, i'm really hungry now. ~ ., , , . this morning, i'm really hungry now. ~ . , , . ., this morning, i'm really hungry now. ~ .. , , . ., ., now. what is the secret to a traditional, _ now. what is the secret to a traditional, true _ ie mm wme m ingredients is the key. we use 12 and a half percent beef and vegetables, the vegetables 25% vegetables, the vegetables have to be potato, onion and have to be potato,oni - . - - turnip. i still follow the reci -e turnip. i still follow the recipe laid _ turnip. i still follow the recipe laid out - turnip. i still follow the recipe laid out in - turnip. i still follow the recipe laid out in that l recipe laid out in that one betty lethbridge, the title world pasty has world pasty champ