geri: i'm looking for blair warner. edna garrett: you must be her cousin geri. geri: yeah!aw a child with a disability on television as a kid was on a telethon. geri jewell: norman lear cast me as blair's cousin on facts of life. geri: see i had this made, it says i don't have cerebral palsy, i'm drunk. geri jewell: (laughs) it was risky. blair: how was the bus ride? geri: i don't know, i drove. jo: a car? geri: no, a lemon. geri jewell: when facts of life aired, i was so used to kids bullying me and calling me names. that's what was in my head when i saw these kids behind me. and the one kid, there were about four of them, "are you cousin geri from facts of life?" it was a real incredible feeling to be liked by kids. "you mean you're not going to make fun of me? you're not going to call me names? wow! kim fields: facts of life was winning a younger demographic. ethan alter: eventually those kids would grow up and and what stories do you tell then? ethan alter: the 1980s were a radical transformation, how do you live up to the ideals that you set for yourself when you were