it's fighting terrorism, jeffrey, the usa. i, the very, sadly combined a 2 completely different things. one was actually saving lives, i actually finding malaria, actually fighting tuberculosis, doing important things. and then it got it. of course, it was used as a tool of u. s. foreign policy and not saving lives, not doing, developing, not doing humanitarian things, but as a tool of u. s. manipulation. and they put the tone statements together, which is so sad, because we actually meet the 1st and the 2nd was disgusting, provocative, causing more. uh, you mentioned that the, the interference in elections, i would say more generally the us interferes west parts. democracies down democracies, the u. s. foreign policy for the post war period. and by doub more, i mean world war 2 was that if you don't like the other side, you try to change the regime. most countries have a different foreign policy, which is if you don't like the other side, you negotiate with companies to try to find a modus vivendi. but the united states was n