i'd also like to recognize john mizunon, who some you guys know, from our homelessness team and all the service providers who are helping build the kauhale initiative in our fight to end homelessness in hawai'i. in our executive biennium budget, we have requested $50 million each year for the next two years for kauhale development, to continue to provide these services, wrap-around services, social services, and lower the cost to the state of hawaii. we have also requested $10.8 million to support family assessment centers, the housing first program, the rapid rehousing program, homeless outreach, and civil legal services. all of these services help us address our social challenges. with these innovations and investments, over the next five years we project a net savings of all costs over $450 million for hawaii taxpayers at the same time we are reducing homelessness and caring for those in need. we are well on our way to achieving our goal of cutting homelessness in half in our state by the end of next year. again, thank you for your support. [applause] a few comments about health care