with of that on the sport some news in the last few minutes that the jailed militant leader of the pkkon his kurdistan workers' party to lay its workers' party to lay down its on a move that arms on thursday, a move that could end its with arms on thursday, a move that could ei he :s with arms on thursday, a move that could ei he said with arms on thursday, a move that could ei he said all with must turkey. he said all groups must down their arms and the pkk dissolve midissolveiitself.’ " ' midissolveiitsfielf.fit? ' wdiissolveitself.rltiis a terrorist organisation deemed a terrorist organisation by turkey and its western allies, more than 40,000 people allies; more than asses psapls been killed allies; more than sagas psapts been killed since the pkk fight against launched its fight against turkey in 1984 with the aim of out 7 out ethnic 7 carving out an ethnic homeland for it has since moved from its ethnic goals and away from its ethnic goals and instead saw more autonomy in insteac! sawmore autonomy in south—east of insteac! sawmore autnnnm" in south—east of the country, tlss s“�*-s