put little things on the fridge that, you know, just appeal to you or you've been given or it's a polaroidpicture of something. >> fridge magnet. >> fridge magnet. >> oh, and also she's got a big sign in beautifully written, that says farm fresh eggs, carrots two ways and sweet treats. >> is that a shopping list? >> is that a shopping list? >> well, it's supposedly a shopping list, but i mean, it's oh. >> it's ideas for her latest project, she keeps changing the name of her latest project. >> it's called as ever now. >> it's called as ever now. >> yeah, which is a bit better than california. something new board. yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> oh, well, good luck to her. >> oh, well, good luck to her. >> i don't know, you've got i mean i've got some sympathy. it's totally fake obviously, but but when you see, you know, these celebrities in the magazines, you know, home with such and such celebrating the birth of their child in their house. >> no. >> no. >> no, it's always in some somewhere else. >> of course. yeah. and by the way, do you like rhubarb? >> yes. >> yes. >> there's a sh