and john jenrette said, yes. not legal is then accepting money. - john jenrette grew up very poor. they owned a mule and not a car when he was a child. he was determined to not ever go back to that kind of poverty. - and remember, $50,000 in 1980 is worth more than $180,000 today. - the lure was so attractive and purposely constructed that way. - yeah. - that i think john thought, well, i don't want to turn this down and have my constituents think i'm not in favor of doing these kinds of projects in the district. - john jenrette turned them down four times. - and then accepted a loan from an intermediary later on. the line that john jenrette was famous for was-- - --"i've got larceny in my blood." - were they too aggressive in your view? - yes, very aggressive. - in a way that you think was unfair? - i think it was almost bordering on unconstitutional. there was no evidence that any member had or would commit a crime. and yet, they set up this elaborate ruse to see if they could lure members of congress into the