. >> adam wolfe represented both christina and the cardinals.ys his firm has also represented more than a thousand other people in lawsuits against fertility clinics. >> whether it is dropping eggs or embryos on the ground or mixing the wrong sperm with the egg, or switching embryos from couple a to couple b, those are things that are life altering. >> at the crux of the issue, critics say, is a need for more regulation for tracking and better enforcement in the event of error. >> there's no centralized database when things go wrong, or providers operate in a way that fails to abide by professional standards. >> the american society for reproductive medicine says that ivf is among the most heavily regulated medical procedures in the united states, and that medical providers have an ethical duty to disclose clinically significant errors. the organization offers guidelines for fertility clinics across the country, ranging from their lab standards to recommended protocols for things like embryo transfers and genetic testing. >> these are just recom