knowing that slender could easily kill my whole family and three seconds. >> morgan geyser and anissa weierh attempted first degree intentional homicide. nearly three years after the attack, anissa pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of attempted second degree intentional homicide. >> does that mean she participated in the events? i understand. >> but for sentencing a jury, deciding she was not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect, committing the then 15 year old to a state mental institution for up to 25 years, rather than send her to prison. >> with that, i will order that she be committed to the department of health services. >> among anissa's diagnoses, a shared psychotic disorder. >> three different doctors or experts all agreed that it as rare as it is. she happened to meet another 12 year old who was more ill than she was and kind of got caught up in her own delusions and what they call a shared delusion. >> experts for morgan geyser's defense team testified that morgan had early onset schizophrenia. >> when morgan was 12, her mental health was untreated. she was entering her a