but i must say to mr. brockovich because of the fact that vi is not in the us constitution. but the u. s. a has a totally different constitutional and the legal to set up. then both have to go tonight. or if this is the angle of sex symbol. if you wants to adopt a law and to uh, and organize and to establish the institution, you have to have a constitutional provisions that's uh they have to enable enables uh this is excellence. i also want to say that's uh yes. maybe we can say that the intern entity agreement that's existed, but these are interrupted. the agreements were violated in the late the late the so we have the rights to uh, retreat to uh, the additional research on the internally about why i say, what is your perspective that you, i mean, how much is the, can i can i just saw the question 1st i was, i mean i let me, let me explain the class you with me. let me explain the question and then i'll give you a chance to answer it. but it sounds like you're ongoing to return to the situation as it was in december 1995. if you can see that the, the dates had an agreement