other closure obviously for the irish bank had no objections whatsoever and we felt that for via bufano that these concerns have been addressed and that the closure has been going on for years and so we recommended a another year for this permit. thank you. we should have public comment and then the and then the directors will be invited. >> thank you. >> public comment? yes. okay. the comment that members of the public wishing to provide a comment and i and everyone patricia boyer pardon me, ma'am sorry i'm sorry. it's my fault. i'm i'm a little slow here. we'll have one minute each for public comment on on this item. >> thank you, ma'am. one second please. i just need to set the timer. okay, go ahead. >> i hadn't planned on speaking on this but the one thing he didn't say is how he did his outreach to the neighbors and this has been one of the endemic problems with this problem with this department and i think that we should look into this in the future because we're getting a i call it a department that is just deciding what they do doing and then they say it's okay. but then the pub