c. p. j. crowley, former us assistant secretary of state for public affairs, also author of red line, american foreign policy and the time of fractured politics and failing states, a warm welcome to each of you. if you just allow me to start with you and allow me a little bit of a preamble here under jo bite, which was only after all one and a half months ago under jo button. the us supported ukraine for 3 years to the tune of tens of billions of dollars for 2 main reasons that at least, but it's shared with the general public. and one was broad values like you can't and beta foreign country. and the us is going to make sure that stops happening or doesn't continue to happen. the other reason was self interest, as it explained to the world. it's so broadly, russia as a flow that needed to be contained maybe even punished by the us, that those were the reasons why they us supported ukraine militarily. but donald trump doesn't seem invested in any of those explanations. he has never spoken about preserving territorial integrity or defending international rules. he has never said that russia was