and chelsea's parents held a private funeral for their sweet youngest child, the baby of the family. reporter: hearts are breaking in this small town today for the bruck then in early september, about 10 months after chelsea disappeared, . the man who'd found her remains called the sheriff's office. he's doing some more excavating on his property there-- moving dirt around, working on the property-- and he notices a red shoe. keith morrison: mm-hm. and we have several detectives that go out to the scene and it happens to be the left shoe. it's the same size, same brand, same style as the one that had been found on war road. obviously it's chelsea's other shoe. yeah. the detectives began to look around a little bit more-- moved some things around in the area. and they happened to find the green tights of chelsea's. so at that point we have everything accounted for. we have chelsea's shoes, her tights, her costume, her wig, and her body. keith morrison: everything, that is, but her killer. coming up, a months old tip sends the investigation in a promising new direction. that's a boom, boom, boom, boom. yeah, i mean-- things were adding up. keith morriso